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   the entrepreneurship competencies: neglected curriculum in teacher education  
نویسنده malekipour ahmad
منبع iranian journal of educational sociology - 2022 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:185 -199
چکیده    Purpose: the purpose of this paper is to understand of the presence of entrepreneurial competencies in the curriculum of teacher education in iran. methodology: approach – this was a qualitative research with an interview and content analysis approach. the research population consisted of two groups of entrepreneurs with teacher education and the curriculum syllabus a bachelor of teacher education. the research tools included a semi-structured interview, and a content analysis checklist. findings: the research findings resulted in the extraction of 42 competencies in the form of three classes of knowledge, attitude and skill. results also indicated that the presence of entrepreneurial competencies among the syllabus of teacher education curriculum does not meet a suitable level. conclusion: therefore, the officials and curriculum developers should take the necessary steps to revise the curriculum syllabus according to the addition of intended competencies in this area to push teacher students towards entrepreneurship.
کلیدواژه neglected education ,entrepreneurship education ,curriculum ,competency ,teacher education
آدرس farhangian university, rasoul akram campus, department of educational management, iran
پست الکترونیکی malekipour95@gmail.com

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