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   synthesis and identification of polystyrene via conventional and controlled radical polymerization methods: effect of temperature, initiator and transfer agent on molecular weight and reaction rate  
نویسنده farrokhi mojtaba ,abdollahi mahdi
منبع polyolefins journal - 2019 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:85 -94
چکیده    Polystyrene (pst) has been known as one of the important polymers with a wide range of applications. ability to synthesize pst with different but predictable molecular weights for various applications is very important in the laboratories and industries. in this study, using various simple and inexpensive techniques with only free radical mechanism, it was tried to synthesize pst with different low (< 2×10^4 g mol^-1) to high (> 105 g mol^-1) molecular weights. psts with high and moderate molecular weights (2×10^4-10^5 g mol^-1) were synthesized using thermal and conventional free radical polymerizations, respectively. reverse iodine transfer radical polymerization (ritp) was utilized to synthesize pst with a low and controlled molecular weight. conversion, molecular weight distribution and pst structure were analyzed using ^1h-nmr spectroscopy and size exclusion chromatography (sec), respectively. moreover, ω-iodo poly(dimethylsiloxane), i.e. pdms-i, was also used as a macrotransfer agent for itp of styrene. diblock copolymer of pdms-b-pst was characterized by ^1h-nmr and sec analyses.
کلیدواژه polystyrene ,low to high molecular weights ,thermal polymerization (tp) ,freeradical polymerization ,(reverse) iodine transfer radical polymerization
آدرس tarbiat modares university, faculty of chemical engineering, polymer reaction engineering department, ایران, tarbiat modares university, faculty of chemical engineering, polymer reaction engineering department, ایران
پست الکترونیکی abdollahim@modares.ac.ir

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