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   assessing the quality of sleep among nurses working at educational hospitals of zanjan university of medical sciences and its related factors  
نویسنده salehi hamid ,amini abolfazl ,feizzy-amiry bagher ,pakpour vahid
منبع nursing practice today - 2017 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:164 -169
چکیده    Background & aim: nurses’ health due to its direct impact on the society’s health is of considerable importance, which is usually neglected. one of the effective factors on individual’s health is the quality of their sleep. considering that nurses would work different work shifts, including night shifts, it is possible for them to suffer from sleep disorders. the present was conducted to evaluate the quality of sleep among nurses working at educational hospitals of zanjan university of medical sciences and its related factors. methods & materials: the present research was a descriptive cross-sectional study that was conducted at educational hospitals of zanjan university of medical sciences. nurses working at internal, surgical and icu departments were evaluated using pittsburgh sleep quality index. the study had 176 participants. data were analyzed using spss 16 and chi square test and spearman correlation coefficient. results: in the present study. 14% of the nurses had a desirable quality of sleep but the quality of sleep in most of the participants (86%) was undesirable. chi square test showed that the quality of sleep was significantly better among the nurses working at icus than nurses working at internal and surgical departments (p = 0.039). conclusion: most of the participated nurses in the present study had an undesirable quality of sleep, which was worse among the nurses working at internal and surgical departments. this might be due to the heavier workload among the nurses of these departments and the ratio of nurses to the patients.
کلیدواژه sleep hygiene ,nurses ,health
آدرس iran university of medical sciences, school of nursing and midwifery, department of nursing, ایران, zanjan university of medical sciences, school of nursing and midwifery, department of nursing, ایران, zanjan university of medical sciences, mosavy hospital, department of surgery, ایران, tabriz university of medical sciences, department of nursing, ایران
پست الکترونیکی vahidpakpour@zums.ac.ir

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