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   the trend of infertility in iran, an original review and meta-analysis  
نویسنده direkvand moghadam ashraf ,delpisheh ali ,sayehmiri kourosh
منبع nursing practice today - 2014 - دوره : 1 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:46 -52
چکیده    Background & aim: worldwide prevalence of infertility has been reported to be 3-7% of all couples. there are varieties among the results of studies conducted on the prevalence of infertility in iran. the present study aimed to evaluate the trend of infertility using meta-analysis method in iran. methods & materials: we systematically reviewed all published papers in medline database of the national library of medicine and their persian equivalents (2001–2011). findings which met the inclusion criteria were included. random effects meta-analysis was applied to the data of 13 selected populations. data manipulation and statistical analyses were performed using stata. results: overall, 13 studies met our inclusion criteria. the pooled prevalence of infertility was 13.2% (95% ci: 8-18.3). the pooled prevalence of primary and secondary infertility were reported to be 5.2% (95% ci: 3.7 - 6.6) and 3.2% (95%ci: 2 - 4.4), respectively. the lowest and highest frequency of lifetime prevalence of infertility was 2.8% in 2001 and 24.9% in 2010, respectively. meta-regression scatter plot showed an increasing trend in the prevalence of infertility during 20012011 (p =0.58). meta-regression did not indicate a significant correlation between the sample sizes and the prevalence of infertility (p=0.64). conclusion: the pooled infertility prevalence in iran is higher than its mean worldwide, and lifetime infertility is increasing in recent years compared to the past in iran.
کلیدواژه iran ,meta-analysis ,trend of infertility
آدرس ilam university of medical sciences, prevention of psychosocial injuries research center; department of midwifery, ilam university of medical sciences, ilam, iran, ایران, ilam university of medical sciences, prevention of psychosocial injuries research center; department of clinical epidemiology, ilam university of medical sciences, ilam, iran, ایران, ilam university of medical sciences, prevention of psychosocial injuries research center; department of social medicine, ilam university of medical sciences, ilam, iran, ایران
پست الکترونیکی sayehmiri@razi.tums.ac.ir

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