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   the effect of the body mechanic behaviors on the low back pain  
نویسنده uysal toraman aynur ,ardahan melek ,erkin balyac? ?züm
منبع nursing practice today - 2014 - دوره : 1 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:107 -115
چکیده    Background & aim: low back pain (lbp) has developed as a major public health problem in the western industrialized societies, and the socio-economic burden of this problem has a huge dimension. the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of body mechanics behavior on lbp of workers.|methods & materials: descriptive study includes convenience sample of 290 workers who work at car production industry. the research data were collected using: (1) the worker’s sociodemographic data form, (2) the body mechanics behaviors form, and (3) oswestry disability index (odi) by the researchers.results: about 90% of the workers are male, 74.8% of them are married, and 36.9% of them are high school graduates. in about 48.3% of the workers the pain recurrence was very mild, in 24.8% of them was moderate, and in 10.3% of them was mild and did not varied much. a significant difference has been determined between odi classification and paying attention to the position of spine, while lifting something (p < 0.01), paying attention to the position of head, shoulder and back, while walking (p < 0.05), paying attention to suitable sitting position (p < 0.05).conclusion: workers lbp complaints varied. complaints were found “minimally disability” to “crippled” on odi classification. it is clear that body mechanic behaviors of the workers have an influence on odi.
کلیدواژه worker ,workplace ,body mechanics behavior ,nurse ,turkey
آدرس ege university, department of public health, faculty of nursing, ege university, bornova, izmir, turkey, Turkey , ege university, department of public health, faculty of nursing, ege university, bornova, izmir, turkey, Turkey , ege university, department of public health, faculty of nursing, ege university, bornova, izmir, turkey, Turkey

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