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   nurses’ experiences of caring for covid-19 patients: a systematic review of qualitative studies  
نویسنده valiee sina ,nemati mona ,mahmoodi parvin
منبع nursing practice today - 2024 - دوره : 11 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:107 -123
چکیده    Background & aim: nurses are considered one of the most important members of the healthcare system in facing pandemics, including covid-19. this study was conducted to explain the nurses' experiences in caring for patients diagnosed with covid-19. methods & materials: this study was a qualitative systematic review. a structured search was conducted using cinahl, medline, embase, pub med, google scholar, cochrane library, mednar, and proquest. all qualitative studies describing nurses’ experiences of caring for patients with covid-19 were included.this review was conducted using the joanna briggs institute methodology for systematic reviews. themes and narrative statements were extracted from included papers using the jbi sumari data extraction tool. results: the findings of 46 qualitative studies were included in this systematic review. from the data analysis, four themes professional development, psychological exhaustion, care challenges and work-family conflict were extracted. conclusion: nurses have experienced conflicts between their work and family and challenges when caring for patients with covid-19. hence, they were psychologically under pressure but professionally developed. to ensure the survival of nurses in critical situations, all their needs must be carefully monitored and the necessary support provided to them.
کلیدواژه covid-19 ,experiences ,nurses ,pandemic
آدرس kurdistan university of medical sciences, clinical care research center, research institute for health development, school of nursing and midwifery, iran, kurdistan university of medical sciences, clinical care research center, research institute for health development, school of nursing and midwifery, iran, kurdistan university of medical sciences, clinical care research center, research institute for health development, school of nursing and midwifery, iran
پست الکترونیکی mahmoodi.parvin@gmail.com

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