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   the level of teamwork and associated factors in the selected hospitals from the nurses' perspective: a cross-sectional study  
نویسنده kohanová dominika ,solgajová andrea ,lušňáková miriam ,bartoníčková daniela
منبع nursing practice today - 2023 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:364 -373
چکیده    Background & aim: teamwork represents a fundamental prerequisite for providingquality and safe care. this study aimed to determine the level of teamwork and the factorsthat influence the level of teamwork in selected hospitals in the slovak republic.methods&materials: the descriptive cross-sectional study included 207 nurses from12departments of three district hospitals in the slovak republic.datawere collected betweennovember 2022 and february 2023 using a questionnaire that evaluated nursingteamwork, the nursing teamwork survey. data were analyzed using descriptive andinferential statistics.results: nurses evaluated the level of teamwork as (3.74± 0.64), which means ideal lessthan 75%of the time during the last working shift. the best-rated subscale was the sharedmental model (4.17± 0.49), while the worst-rated subscale was team orientation (2.47±0.85). differences in teamwork level were found based on unit type, education, number ofhours worked, number of overtime hours, and perceived staff adequacy (p≤ 0.05). thecorrelation analysis revealed associations between teamwork and job satisfaction,teamwork satisfaction, subjective quality evaluation, and patient safety, as well as with thenumber of patients in the last shift, including the number of admitted and dischargedpatients.conclusion: by regularly determining teamwork levels, it is possible to identify thestrengths andweaknesses of nursing teams.analyzing teamweaknesses and implementingtargeted measures can lead to strengthening teamwork and improving team functioning
کلیدواژه hospital units; nursing team;nursing staff
آدرس constantine the philosopher university in nitra, faculty of social sciences and health care, department of nursing, slovakia, constantine the philosopher university in nitra, faculty of social sciences and health care, department of nursing, slovakia, martin university hospital, clinic of children and adolescents, slovakia, palacký university in olomouc, czech, faculty of health sciences, department of nursing, czechia
پست الکترونیکی bartonickovadaniela@gmail.com

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