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   cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the vietnamese version of the evidence-based practice competency questionnaire for registered nurses (ebp-coq prof©)  
نویسنده ngo thi dung ,hawks miranda ,ruzafa-martinez maria ,le thi kim chi ,nguyen thi thanh truc ,nguyen hong thiep ,phan van hieu ,nguyen thi ngoc han
منبع nursing practice today - 2023 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:261 -272
چکیده    Background & aim: establishing strategies to enhance evidence-based practice (ebp) requires a reliable instrument for assessing ebp competency. this study focused on translating and validating the evidence-based practice competency questionnaire for registered nurses (ebp-coq prof©) in the vietnamese context. methods & materials: through a methodological approach, this study performed cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation. the study involved 372 nurses selected through convenience sampling. content validity was established using the content validity index for items (i-cvi) and the content validity index for scales (s-cvi). construct validity was assessed via exploratory (efa) and confirmatory factor analysis (cfa). reliability was determined using cronbach's alpha and the intra-class correlation coefficient (icc). criterion validity was examined by comparing ebp-coq prof© competency between nurses with and without prior ebp education. results: the vietnamese version of ebp-coq prof© maintained consistency with the original version following cross-cultural adaptation. content validity was confirmed with i-cvi> 0.78 and s-cvi/ave= 0.97. efa and cfa revealed consistent components with the original version: attitude (8 items), knowledge (11 items), skills (6 items), and utilization (10 items). cronbach's alpha values were high: attitudes (0.965), knowledge (0.962), skills (0.909), and utilization (0.926). icc values were also significant: attitudes (0.754), knowledge (0.895), skills (0.823), and utilization (0.966). nurses with prior ebp education demonstrated higher ebp-coq prof© competency. conclusion: the translated and validated ebp-coq prof© provides a robust tool for assessing ebp competency among vietnamese nurses. its reliability, validity, and sensitivity to educational effects underscore its potential for promoting ebp in nursing.
کلیدواژه evidence-based practice; psychometrics; nurses; questionnaire
آدرس can tho university of medicine and pharmacy, faculty of nursing and medical technology, vietnam, kennesaw state university, wellstar college of health and human services, usa, university of murcia, faculty of nursing, spain, can tho university of medicine and pharmacy, can tho university of medicine and pharmacy hospital, vietnam, can tho university of medicine and pharmacy, faculty of nursing and medical technology, vietnam, can tho university of medicine and pharmacy, faculty of nursing and medical technology, vietnam, can tho university of medicine and pharmacy, can tho university of medicine and pharmacy hospital, vietnam, can tho university of medicine and pharmacy, faculty of nursing and medical technology, vietnam
پست الکترونیکی ntnhan@ctump.edu.vn

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