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   near-death experience: a concept analysis  
نویسنده kaleem azeem
منبع nursing practice today - 2023 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:147 -155
چکیده    Background & aim: the incidence of near-death experience is not a novel phenomenon since human history. however, with healthcare technological advancement, near-death narratives have been reported in a greater number of critically ill patients as well as in the general community. therefore, healthcare professionals must recognize the concept of near-death experiences and provide relevant care to their patients. unfortunately, healthcare providers, especially nurses, do not have sufficient knowledge regarding near-death experiences, hence, to clarify the concept and its importance for better patient-care outcomes via this concept analysis. methods & materials: the understanding of the near-death phenomenon is employed through the framework of walker and avant's concept analysis. the study familiarizes the concept via its definition, origin, significance, characteristics, antecedents, and consequences of near-death experiences. this was achieved after deeper exploration and analysis of the concept through an extensive literature search. furthermore, multiple cases are provided as exemplars to recognize the concept. results: near-death experience is defined as a profound conscious experience encountered by the individual. the characteristics of near-death experiences are based on cognitive, affective, paranormal, and transcendental components. following the experience, the individuals undergo a transformational change in their lives. however, individuals with near-death experiences require facilitation and support from healthcare workers, especially nurses, for the early integration of near-death experiences. conclusion: the understanding of the concept of near-death experience enables nurses to provide relevant nursing interventions. such interventions promote positive well-being in the individuals' lives through their near-death experiences.
کلیدواژه near-death experience;concept analysis;nursing
آدرس dr. saeed akhtar college of nursing, dakson institute of health sciences, pakistan
پست الکترونیکی kaleemazeem1993@gmail.com

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