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   game2familynursing: study of a digital game to promote knowledge about family nursing  
نویسنده fernandes carla ,campos maria joana ,angelo margareth ,martins maia manuela
منبع nursing practice today - 2022 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:202 -210
چکیده    Background & aim: the practice of family-centered nursing care brings positive benefits to health care. this article aims to describe the perception and usability of a game to promote knowledge about family assessment and intervention. methods & materials: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 102 nurses and nursing degree students in the second half of 2021. the evaluation was performed using the game usability instrument (system usability scale, sus), the intrinsic motivation inventory, and open questions about the game's advantages and disadvantages. results: the average score obtained by applying the sus was high, with a mean of 81.37. in addition, high mean values were observed in all dimensions of the intrinsic motivation inventory. concerning the game’s advantages and disadvantages, 198 codes were grouped into seven categories and 30 subcategories, highlighting more advantages than disadvantages. conclusion: overall, participants evaluated the game positively. our findings suggest that using game2familynursing could be helpful and contribute as an educational tool in family nursing training.
کلیدواژه games; experimental; family nursing; education;nursing; technology
آدرس center for health technology and services research, nursing school of porto, portugal, nursing school of porto, centre for information systems research and development, portugal, university of são paulo, school of nursing, department of maternal child and psychiatric nursing, brazil, center for health technology and services research, nursing school of porto, portugal
پست الکترونیکی mmartins@esenf.pt

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