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   a study on the artificial insemination interview experience of nursing students in the covid-19 situation  
نویسنده park so young ,park miyoung ,choi nam young ,park sun jung
منبع nursing practice today - 2022 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:221 -233
چکیده    Background & aim: this study aims to examine the perception of artificial insemination interviews experienced by prospective nursing graduates who have experienced artificial insemination interviews at medical institutions using focus groups and provide necessary data to increase the efficiency of artificial insemination interviews. methods & materials: this study was conducted to examine nursing students' artificial insemination interview experience during covid-19 by performing a focus group interview and qualitative content analysis. the focus group interview was carried out on november 17, 2021, to understand nursing students' artificial insemination interview experience during covid-19, selecting a total of 14 senior nursing students. results: as a result of analyzing the artificial insemination interview experiences of nursing students who participated in this study, 35 codes, grouped into eight subcategories, were derived. they are also classified into three categories 1) finding your way in the dark, 2) confronting artificial intelligence, and 3) going beyond artificial intelligence. the eight subcategories derived are as follows: 1) vagueness, 2) find your way, 3) the fight between artificial intelligence and me, 4) strong questions about interview evaluation, 5) new experience, 6) learn your own tricks for artificial insemination interviews, 7) setting up the environment for artificial insemination interview, 8) establishment of information system for artificial insemination interview. conclusion: based on the results of this study, an educational program should be developed based on the main data obtained from the artificial insemination interview experience so that nursing college students can adapt to the artificial insemination interview.
کلیدواژه artificial insemination; experience; students; nursing
آدرس yong-in arts & science university, department of nursing, south korea, gangneung yeongdong university, department of nursing, south korea, gangneung yeongdong university, department of nursing, south korea, samyuk health university, college of nursing, south korea
پست الکترونیکی bun8973@naver.com

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