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   artistic nursing care: rodgers’ evolutionary concept analysis  
نویسنده babaii atye ,mohammadi eesa ,sadooghiasl afsaneh
منبع nursing practice today - 2022 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:102 -113
چکیده    Background & aim: artistic nursing care is defined as combining knowledge, skills, and judgment to provide the best care. different studies have introduced different and even contradictory characteristics for this concept. therefore, nurses are confused about it. this study aimed to clarify artistic nursing care. methods & materials: rodgers' evolutionary method was used to clarify the concept of artistic nursing care. this method included the initial phase, core analysis phase, and further analysis phase. literature from 1990 to 2020 was sought using springer, pubmed, scopus, web of science, ovid, and sid databases. in general, 28 articles and two books were selected and analyzed. results: the attributes of artistic nursing care included discovering a unique way to establish a happy and integrated relationship with the patient, paying intuition attention to the patient individuality to recognize all their needs, creating a positive image of the patient's condition, manifesting love in caring behaviors, and creating opportunities for a healing presence. the antecedents for artistic nursing care include having knowledge and experience, commitment to ethical principles, altruism, and active presence in the field of care. artistic nursing care improves the patient's physical and mental health, increases the patient's sense of well-being and happiness, increases patient and nurse satisfaction. conclusion: in this study, the antecedents, attributes, and consequences of artistic nursing care are presented objectively and practically, which can be used to teach the methods of providing artistic nursing care and design tools for measuring this concept.
کلیدواژه art;nursing;nursing care;rogerian concept analysis
آدرس tarbiat modares university, faculty of medical sciences, department of nursing, iran, tarbiat modares university, faculty of medical sciences, department of nursing, iran, tarbiat modares university, faculty of medical sciences, department of nursing, iran
پست الکترونیکی a.sadooghi@modares.ac.ir

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