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   factors influencing non-adherence to chemotherapy: perspective of nigerian breast cancer survivors  
نویسنده ingwu justin-agorye ,idoko chiamaka ,israel chidinma-egbichi ,maduakolam ijeoma ,madu obiagele
منبع nursing practice today - 2019 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:41 -48
چکیده    Background and aim: the use of chemotherapy for the treatment of breast cancer has experienced a rapid increase in recent years and this is expected to continue. the objectives of the study were to ascertain the patientrelated factors, therapyrelated factors, and health care system factors that influence nonadherence to chemotherapy among breast cancer survivors at university of nigeria teaching hospital (unth), enugu. methods and materials: the study design was a crosssectional descriptive survey with a total population of 100 cancer survivors. the breast cancer questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. results: the result of the study showed that financial constraint 61(61.0%) was the major patientrelated factor that influences nonadherence to chemotherapy, medication side effects (hair loss, loss of weight) 62(62.0%) and duration of treatment 50(50.0%) were the major therapyrelated factors while unfavorable hour of clinic visit 40(40.0%) was the major health care related factor that influence nonadherence to chemotherapy. conclusion: it was concluded that the federal government should reimplement the health care policy that allowed treatment freeofcharge at nigerian government hospitals to those with malignancies and other chronic ailments to mitigate the burden of associated financial problems and encourage patients to seek orthodox medical care. also, health education initiation on benefit of adhering to chemotherapy would be needed on the part of the nurses to foster the women intake of chemotherapy. nurses caring for women who receive endocrine therapy for breast cancer should identify those who may be at greater risk for being nonadherent.
کلیدواژه breast cancer survivors ,chemotherapy ,non–adherence
آدرس university of nigeria, faculty of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria, university of nigeria, faculty of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria, university of nigeria, faculty of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria, university of nigeria, faculty of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria, university of nigeria, faculty of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria
پست الکترونیکی justin.ingwu@unn.edu.ng

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