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   knowledge and acceptance of human papilloma virus vaccine among secondary school students in queens model secondary school, enugu, nigeria  
نویسنده israel chidinma-egbichi ,ogbu nkechi-nnenna ,ingwu justin-agorye ,chinenye arinze-joyce ,chikeme pauline-chigwara
منبع nursing practice today - 2019 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:34 -40
چکیده    Background & aim: human papilloma virus (hpv) is a common sexually transmitted infection with high mortality rate though its prevention is now possible through vaccination. the study determined the knowledge and acceptance of hpv vaccine among secondary school students in queens model secondary school enugu. methods and material: the study utilized a quantitative descriptive survey method. sample size of 368 students was determined using the power analysis at 95% confidence interval and 5% error margin. stratified sampling method including proportionate sampling was used to select respondents from different classes to ensure representativeness. data was collected using questionnaire developed by the researchers with a reliability of 0.79 cronbach alpha after pretest and data was analyzed with the aid of spss version 20 using descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages.results: only 51(13.86%) of the respondents have heard of hpv vaccine. majority 97.3% were willing to receive a vaccine that can prevent cervical cancer and 98.1% respondents agreed to recommend a vaccine that can prevent cervical cancer for others for fear of death and concern for their safety. conclusion: health education on hpv vaccine should be made available to young girls to enable them take advantage of this service before the resumption of sexual activities.
کلیدواژه human papilloma virus ,knowledge and acceptance ,hpv vaccine ,cervical cancer
آدرس university of nigeria, school of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria, university of nigeria teaching hospital, nigeria, university of nigeria, school of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria, university of nigeria, school of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria, university of nigeria, school of health sciences and technology, department of nursing sciences, nigeria
پست الکترونیکی pauline.chikeme@unn.edu.ng

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