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   study of knowledge and attitude of nurses in sanandaj city toward organ donation  
نویسنده valiee sina ,dehghani shoaib ,mohammadi shiva ,dalvand sahar ,khanpour farzaneh
منبع nursing practice today - 2019 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:77 -85
چکیده    Background & aim: nowadays, organ transplantation is the final treatment for the patients with end-stage organ dysfunction. considering the importance of the organ donation and the important role of nurses in increasing the number of organ donations, the present study aimed to determine the knowledge and attitudes of nurses in sanandaj hospitals toward organ donation. materials & methods: this study was descriptive-analytic (cross-sectional). 250 nurses working in hospitals in sanandaj city were selected by stratified sampling method in 2017 and completed the questionnaire on knowledge and attitude towards organ donation. data were analyzed by spss software version 20, using independent t-test and anova. results: the results showed that the mean score of knowledge was 13/2±04/ 57 and the mean score of attitude was 44.7±82.75 and 207 (82.2%) did not have a donation card, while 146 nurses (58.4%) tended to receive a donation card. the mean score of nurses' knowledge about donation was 13.2±26/49 and the mean score of their attitude was 13.2±07. 91. there was also a significant correlation between attitude and level of education (p=0/045). conclusion: according to the results, the knowledge and attitude of the majority of nurses were moderate and most of them did not have a donation card. considering the importance of this effective group in increasing the culture of the community toward organ donation, education and preparing appropriate background for receiving, and increasing knowledge and attitudes toward organ donation for the nurses is necessary.
کلیدواژه organ donation ,knowledge ,attitude ,nurse
آدرس kurdistan university of medical sciences, clinical care research center, ایران, kurdistan university of medical sciences, student research committee, ایران, welfare services psychology and advice center, ایران, tehran university of meduical sciences, school of public health, department of epidemiology and biostatistics, ایران, kurdistan university of medical sciences, clinical care research center, ایران
پست الکترونیکی far.khanpour@gmail.com

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