nursing practice today
سال:2018 - دوره:5 - شماره:4
nursing research: a success story or what next?
- صفحه:363-367
primary dysmenorrhea among the adolescents in kwara state, nigeria: the prevalence, knowledge and management
- صفحه:395-402
risk observation in the handling of dependent patients in health professionals of a hospital unit
- صفحه:385-394
the effects of multimedia education on anxiety and physiological status among patients with cerebral angiography: a randomized controlled clinical trial
- صفحه:375-384
the relationship of mental health with resilience among psychiatric nurses
- صفحه:368-374
using the theory of planned behaviour when designing motivational letters: exploring through patient interviews how determinants of behaviour are operationalised in letters of invitation to cardiac rehabilitation
- صفحه:403-412
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