تبیین وجوه تنوع آفرین میراث مسکونی اصفهان
حریری آزاده ,پدرام بهنام ,قاسمی سیچانی مریم
پژوهش هاي معماري اسلامي - 1398 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 22 - صفحه:129 -156
طبقه بندی ها در حوزه میراث مسکونی شهر اصفهان، غالبا با دیدگاه گونه شناسی و ایجاد وحدت از طریق همانند سازی و توجه به وجوه تشابه در صِرف صورت معماری بدون اعتنا به وجوه تنوع، تمایز و معنا و محتوای آن انجام شده است. برخی ویژگی های معماری خانه های تاریخی اصفهان در هیچ کدام از گونه های معرفی شده، قابل تشخیص و شناسایی نیستند. آنچه غالبا در این گونه شناسی ها ملاک عمل قرار گرفته، واکاوی وجوه شِکلی کالبد است که در هر دوره ی تاریخی ثابت فرض شده؛ اما در ساختارهای کالبدی خانه هایی که طبق گونه شناسی های انجام شده در یک رده قرار می گیرند نیز تنوع های فراوانی مشاهده می شود. این در حالی است که امروزه خانه های تاریخی بسیاری در شهر اصفهان به دور از تشخیص وجوه تنوع اصیل به دست فراموشی و نابودی سپرده می شوند. همچنین غالبا شهرهای تاریخی کشور، با فقدان کلی اطلاعات و دانش مربوط به تنوع میراث مسکونی مواجه است. عدم تبیین دقیق تفاوت ها و تنوعات در میراث مسکونی باعث شده که در نظام مدیریت و برنامه ریزی حفاظت از میراث فرهنگی و بافت های تاریخی، نتوان فرصت های لازم را برای باززنده سازی و خواناسازی این وجوه در راستای ارتقای هویت فرهنگی و اجتماعی بافت های تاریخی به انجام رسانید. این پژوهش در پی پاسخ به چرایی تبیین وجوه تنوع و تمایز در میراث مسکونی اصفهان و تحلیل عوامل تاثیرگذار در خلقِ وجوه تنوع و تمایز در خانه های تاریخی اصفهان به منظور واکاوی جایگاه این وجوه در فرآیند حفاظت بوده است. اهداف اصلی در پی پاسخ گویی به پرسش کلیدی به این قرار خواهد بود: با تحلیل و بررسی عوامل تاثیرگذار در ایجاد وجوه تنوع و تمایز در خانه های تاریخی اصفهان، بتوان به طبقه بندی جامع میراث مسکونی اصفهان براساس وجوه تنوع آفرین در راستای تبیین فرصت های لازم در فرآیند حفاظت برای باززنده سازی و خواناسازی وجوه تنوع آفرین و تمایز در خانه های تاریخی اصفهان پرداخت. این پژوهش با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و با هدف توسعه ای و با بهره گیری از اسناد کتابخانه ای، مطالعات میدانی و مصاحبه انجام شده و یافته ها با روش کیفی تجزیه و تحلیل شده اند. نتیجه پژوهش نشان می دهد که وجوه تمایز و تنوع آفرین در کالبد میراث مسکونی اصفهان تحت تاثیر عوامل تاثیرگذار اقلیم، مذهب، شغل و موقیعت اجتماعی مالک و خرده فرهنگ های قومی شکل گرفته اند. بروز خلاقیت در هماهنگی با اقلیم و سازگاری با طبیعت و تطبیق با الگوهای رفتاری وابسته به مذهب و فرهنگ های قومی و از سوی دیگر ناهماهنگی با اقلیم و الگوهای رفتاری مذهبی و فرهنگی منجر به آفرینش خانه هایی با ساختار و اجزای کالبدی متنوع و متمایز شده است. تنوع در نظام کارکردی مسکن و تلفیق کارکردهای غیرمسکونی نیز باعث خلق وجوه تنوع آفرین در ابعاد کالبدی خانه های تاریخی اصفهان بوده است.
اصفهان، میراث مسکونی، تنوع پذیری
دانشگاه هنر اصفهان, دانشکده مرمت و حفاظت, ایران, دانشگاه هنر اصفهان, دانشکده مرمت و حفاظت, ایران, دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اصفهان(خوراسگان), دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی, ایران
پست الکترونیکی
Expressing the diversified aspects in housing heritage of Isfahan
hariri azadeh ,pedram behnam ,qasemi sichani maryam
Isfahan Residential Architecture has provided valuable samples of art and architecture throughout history. House is one of the most important forms of social organizing of space that have been influenced by many factors, such as many manmade collections, in creating them. Historical settlements of Isfahan have extensive identities in the Physical Organisation. In fact, the historic houses of Isfahan are a unique collection of domestic Architecture, that in its Physical Organisation, in spite of its wideranging similarities, rare and sometimes unique features are also found. Often, these features of the Physical organization in general and emphasis on similarity have been formulated in the form of categories as typology with historical and formal approaches. Meanwhile, today, many historical houses in the city of Isfahan, regardless of the identification of the aspects of original diversity in the body, their function and content are forgotten and destroyed, and some human activities have been caused to considerable destruction in the aspects of diversity of historical settlements of Isfahan city. While diversity creation in the physical housing system has been an important factor in consolidating social relationships between house residents and the neighborhood residents. Recognizing and preserving the diversity effects of cultural heritage, will lead to cultural continuity in historical contexts. Considering the major policies of Iran, the revitalization and revitalization of cultural heritage, including historical buildings, despite recognizing the similarities aspect in the structure of the housing heritage of different historical periods, explaining the diversity of features and the significant differences between these houses in the restoration and regeneration plans will play an effective role. Also, identifying the diversity of residential heritage can explain the foundations of creativity in historic sites and provide a stimulus to the conservation and modernization of historical contexts and answer some of the officials and planners of the historic city of Isfahan that why it should be protect about 300 historical homes in Isfahan city? In fact, with regard to macro policies, after identifying diversifying aspects, we can provide categorization and explanation of the valuable components of these homes at three levels of body, function, and meaning. This categorization will be the basis for the development of residential heritage conservation planning. Thus, according to the components defined in the classification and codification system of them, the priorities of conservation in urban planning are determined. Often, the nature of theories and theoretical foundations of conservation, in spite of having general principles and perspectives, and in some global cases, can be defined for each building by the requirements of physical, functional and content characteristics. Recognition based on the differentiation aspects of effect, due to the various aspects, and sometimes rare and unique aspects of a building, will play a significant role in achieving the desired regeneration plan. This research attempts to answer the question of how to create diverse elements and distinctions in the physical organization of the architecture of historical buildings of Isfahan and explain the diversity of the indicator in order to understand the differences and differences in the physical organization of Isfahan's housing heritage. The main goal in answering the key question is to analyze the variability of the factors to distinguish the differences in the historic houses of this city in the physical organization and a comprehensive classification for historic homes with diverse indicator. This study has been conducted using descriptiveanalytical method with the aim of developmental and using field observation, library studies and also data collection through interview and the findings have been analyzed according to qualitative method and through comparison and interpretation. Based on the research methodology, firstly, the diversity of residential heritage has been recognized, and then, considering the status of the system of classification of historical houses in the conservation process, we have analyzed the shortcomings and deficiencies of existing classification systems. Also, based on the specific question and purpose of the research, the diversity factors in the Isfahan Residential Heritage are distinguished by four factors of climate, religion, social status and owner's occupation, and ethnic subcultures of analysis and the obvious examples of diversity under each of the influential factors have been recognized. Previously, Ghasemi Sichani and Memarian have typified Qajar houses in Isfahan. In the article of historical houses beyond housing implications in historical context of Isfahan, the suburban functions in the historic houses of Isfahan have also been analyzed. But until now, explaining the diversity aspects and distinctions in the Isfahan residential heritage has not been investigated, which is the innovation of this research. The result of the research shows that the influential factors of climate, religion, social status of the owner and ethnic subcultures in the Physical organization of residential heritage has been led to the creation of diverse and distinct aspects. Based on this, under the influential factor of climate, varieties of diverse species such as homespun houses, dwelling houses and houses with a garden pit pattern were identified. Under the influence of religion, Jewish homes with less space and altitude than Muslim homes, the houses of Armenians and the Muslimbacked houses with remarkable differences with other homes were also identified. In fact, the presence of religious minorities and the presence of certain neighborhoods in the past, the Armenian community (Jolfa), the ghetto (Zhobreh or Judaea), the Zoroastrian neighborhood (Gabrabad or Kuleparcheh), has been the main cause of the creation of physical distinctions in the historic houses of Isfahan Occupation and social status of the owner are other factors influencing the occurrence of diversity in Isfahan's residential heritage, which can be recognized in such areas as houseschool, housecastle, master's houses and houseworkshops in this area. Ethnic subcultures have also created a diverse and distinct structure in Isfahan's physical housing system, which can be found in Armenian homes, Bakhtiari tribal houses (Kurdish houses) and European homes in Isfahan.
Isfahan ,Residential heritage ,Diversity