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   History as a Tool to Identify Stray Coins: Case Study of Reza Abbasi Museum  
نویسنده Sodaei Bita ,Khademi Nadooshan Farhang ,Naebpor Mohammad ,Neyestani Javad
منبع the international journal of humanities - 2010 - دوره : 17 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:13 -21
چکیده    Hundreds of stray coins are being donated every year to different iranian museums but it is difficult to establish their authenticities due to lack of knowledge about places of their findings. part of these stray metallic pieces is related to parthians. due to their lengthy rule, of about five centuries, parthian coins form important part of numismatic collection at the museums. authors have taken reza abbasi museum at tehran as case study to review the authenticity of those coins. a comparison between statistical data and available historical records give a vivid idea about the genuineness and forgery of these metallic pieces. as such, this article attempts to show the genuineness of some of the coins by taking into account statistical data from early parthian kings and their comparison with the available historical documents.
کلیدواژه Parthian ,Stray coins ,Authenticity ,Forgery ,Reza Abbasi Museum
آدرس tarbiat modares university, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archeology, ایران, tarbiat modares university, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archeology, ایران, amin police university, Faculty of Sociology, ایران, tarbiat modares university, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archeology, ایران

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