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   designing model to identifying optimal services, integrated system, registration of pharmaceutical  
نویسنده sharifiyan kobra ,tarokh mohammad jafar ,hashemi golpayegani alireza
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2022 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:20 -29
چکیده    Background and objectives: one of the complicated processes in the ministry of health is the process of registering pharmaceuticals .since there are different soft wares for registration of products, and since parallel services concuss waste of time and money, it is necessary to provide integrated software in the form of services. this goal can be achieved when services are identified and combined in integrated soft wares. material and methods: present study is an applied research, in order to identify the services of an integrated system for recording pharmaceutical supplies, first the gray-wolf multi-objective optimization (gwo) algorithm was proposed. then the values of the algorithm parameters were extracted by the goal-based requirements analysis method and the algorithm was implemented. finally the best services were extracted by the hierarchical analysis process. results: considering that the results of present study are an operational project in the ministry of health, by implementing the algorithm proposed by gray wolf, services were identified, which can be used to create integrated software for registering pharmaceutical supplies. conclusion: creating an integrated system for registering pharmaceutical supplies is one of the important challenges of the ministry of health. this can be achieved by identifying services and combining these services to create an integrated system.
کلیدواژه integrated system ,gray-wolf optimizer (gwo) ,hierarchical ,analysis process (ahp) ,goal-based requirements analysis method (gbram)
آدرس islamic azad university, tehran science and research branch, department of industrial engineering, iran, k.n. toosi university of technology, department of industrial engineering, iran, amirkabir university of technology, department of computer engineering and information technology, iran
پست الکترونیکی sa.hashemi@aut.ac.ir

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