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   evaluation of microleakage of self-adhesive composite resin in pits and fissures of extracted premolar teeth: an in vitro study  
نویسنده bahrololoomi zahra ,mehravar fateme ,halvani niloofar ,saeid hamed
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2022 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:62 -68
چکیده    Background and objectives: microleakage at the interface of tooth structure and fissure sealant plays a crucial role in the failure of the treatment. this in vitro study aimed to determine the microleakage of self-adhesive flowable composite resins as pit and fissure sealants. material and methods: sixty healthy extracted premolar teeth were randomly divided into the four groups (n=15), clinpro sealants (control), flowable composite resin with bonding agent (total-etch), flowable composite resin with a self-etch bonding agent, and self-adhesive composite resin. after thermocycling, the specimens were immersed in 2% methylene blue for 48 hours and then sectioned in the buccolingual direction. the microleakage was assessed by dye penetration using a stereomicroscope at 15x magnification. data analysis was performed using spss version 18.0 and mann-whitney and kruskal-wallis tests. results: there was a statistically significant difference in microleakage score between the groups (p-value = 0.006). the lowest mean of the microleakage level was observed in the flowable composite group with total-etch bonding (group 2) at 1.26±0.96, followed by the clinpro sealant group (group 1) at 1.62±1.20, and then the self-adhesive composite group (group 4) 1.85±1.00. conclusion: based on the results of this study, the microleakage of self-adhesive composite resin revealed no significant difference with conventional fissure sealant; however, the microleakage of these composite resins was higher than flowable composite resin with a total-etch bonding agent.
کلیدواژه dental leakage; pit and fissure sealants ,composite resins ,bicuspid
آدرس shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, department of pedodontics, iran, shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, department of pedodontics, iran, shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, department of pedodontics, iran, , iran
پست الکترونیکی fmehravar@ssu.ac.ir

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