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   simultaneous effect of interval training and octopamine extract on nlrp-1 and nlrp-3 in brain tissue of alzheimer's rats  
نویسنده nameni farah ,falahi samira
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2021 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:24 -32
چکیده    Background and objective: alzheimer's disease is a common cause of dementia and reduces progressive perception, memory, and tasks. this study aimed was to investigate the effects of interval training and octopamine extract on nlrp-1 and nlrp-3 in brain tissue of rats with alzheimer's disease. material and methods: the research method was experimental with a post-test design. a total of 42 male wistar rats, all of which were eight weeks old, were obtained. rats were randomly divided into 5 groups (healthy control, alzheimer's sham, alzheimer's+ interval training, alzheimer's+ octopamine supplementation, alzheimer's+ interval training+ octopamine supplementation). alzheimer's induction was performed with beta-amyloid peptide 1-14. the training protocol was intense periodic. octopamine was supplemented by intra-peritoneal injection. morris's blue maze test was used for the spatial memory test. seventy-two hours after the last training session, anesthetized rats and hippocampus were quickly extracted. a one-way anova test was used to estimate intergroup differences after alzheimer's induction. results: the results of one-way anova showed a significant difference between the groups in nlrp-1 and nlrp-3 mrna. bonferroni test confirmed significant between the control group and alzheimer's groups (p≤0.05). conclusion: the changes were considered to be synergistic of the beneficial effects of physical activity and octopamine in preventing or reducing the harmful effects of pathological conditions. exercise and supplementation seem to be effective in the relationship between inflammatory and neurotrophic factors in neurological disorders.
کلیدواژه exercise ,inflammasomes ,octopamine ,alzheimer disease
آدرس islamic azad university, varamin pishva branch, department of sports physiology, iran, islamic azad university, varamin pishva branch, department of sport physiology, iran
پست الکترونیکی f.namni@yahoo.co.uk

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