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   the effects of continued training and high intensity interval training along with citrus aurantium on aerobic power, heart weight, adipose tissue weight and body weight of elderly rats  
نویسنده hosseini ali
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2020 - دوره : 8 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:17 -25
چکیده    Background and objective: nutrition and physical activity are two factors which affecting the control of body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in the elderly population. present study aimed to investigate the effects of continued training (ct) and high intensity interval training (hiit) along with citrus aurantium (ca) on aerobic power and body composition of elderly rats.material and methods: in this experimental study, 42 elderly rats with mean age of 14- 18 months were divided into 7 groups of 6 rats including: control, sham, hiit, ct, hiit+ca and ct+ca groups. during eight weeks, the ca groups received 300 mg/kg ca peritoneally and ct groups ran on treadmill for five sessions per week with intensity of 85%- 100% of vo2max and speed of 15-25 m/min as well as hiit groups ran on treadmill for five sessions per week with intensity of 65% of vo2max and speed of 20-25 m/min.results: ct (p=0.04), hiit+ca (p=0.04), and ct+ca (p=0.04) significantly increased aerobic power; hiit+ca (p=0.02) and ct+ca (p=0.03) significantly increased heart weight and hiit+ca significantly decreased adipose tissue weight (p=0.01). conclusion: although ct can improve aerobic power in elderly rats, nevertheless it seems that ct and hiit along with ca administration can have more favorable effects on the body composition of elderly rats.
کلیدواژه exercise; citrus; aged; body composition
آدرس islamic azad university, marvdasht branch, department of sport physiology, iran
پست الکترونیکی alihoseini_57@miau.ac.ir

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