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   letter to editor: risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis (ptb): avicenna’s viewpoint  
نویسنده maddahi zahra ,jokar assie ,behnampour naser ,baba mahmoudi farhang
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2020 - دوره : 8 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:1 -3
چکیده    Tuberculosis (tb) has always been represented as a constant and serious public health challenge throughout human history due to its intensive epidemiological, clinical, and social implications. risk factors for tb are very important and lack of attention to these parameters can lead to poor therapeutic results. the risk factors for tb in various studies in modern medicine are described. avicenna, the great persian scientist described tb in his book “canon of medicine” in a chapter related to pulmonary diseases along with its symptoms and treatment. in addition, according to this scientist, there are risk factors that, if present in a person, make him prone to tb. it seems that many of the factors mentioned by the scholars of persian traditional medicine (ptm) are not currently among the risk factors for tb in modern medicine and have not been studied yet. if this hypothesis is supported and confirmed by future research in modern medicine, the recommendations of ptm can be a significant help in controlling the consequences of this disease.
کلیدواژه risk factors ,pulmonary tuberculosis ,avicenna ,persian traditional medicine
آدرس mazandaran university of medical sciences, antimicrobial resistance research center, student research committee, iran, mazandaran university of medical sciences, traditional and complementary medicine research center, addiction institute, persian medicine department, iran, golestan university of medical sciences, health management and social development research center, department of biostatistics, iran, mazandaran university of medical sciences, antimicrobial resistance research center, department of infectious diseases, iran
پست الکترونیکی farhang.baba@yahoo.com

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