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   evaluation of the cases with peritonsillar space infection and the influential factors in 5th azar hospital of gorgan, iran (2010-2017)  
نویسنده taziki mohammad hossein
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2020 - دوره : 8 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:19 -26
چکیده    Background and objective: peritonsillar infection may emerge in two forms of abscess and cellulitis. several factors could cause the disease, and effective treatments are required following the diagnosis. however, recurrence is likely after the treatment, threatening the health of the patients. given the importance of this issue, the present study aimed to evaluate the cases of peritonsillar infection and some of the influential factors in 5th azar hospital of gorgan, iran during 2010-2017. material and method: this cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study was conducted by assessing the medical files of the patients with peritonsillar infection. the incomplete files were completed via phone call with the patients. data analysis was performed in spss version 16. results: in total, 93 patients were evaluated with the mean age of 32.31±14.59 years, and the majority of the patients were aged 20-30 years (33.31%). in terms of gender, 58.1% of the subjects were male, and the others (41.9%) were female. peritonsillar abscess and peritonsillar cellulitis were detected in 76 (81.7%) and 17 cases (18.3%), respectively. in addition, significant correlations were observed between opium use, smoking habits, and abscess formation (p=0.014). conclusion: considering the prevalence of peritonsillar infection and the possibility of recurrence after tonsillectomy, it is recommended that the necessary training be provided to the patients regarding the possibility of recurrence and surgery, especially upon discharge.
کلیدواژه tonsille ,peritonsillar ,abscess ,recurrence
آدرس golestan university of medical sciences, medical college, iran
پست الکترونیکی hoseinta@yahoo.com

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