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   tumorigenicity of esophageal cancer stem cells (ecscs) in nude mouse xenograft model  
نویسنده khosravi ayyoob ,kokabi fariba ,behzadi ramezan ,asadi jahanbakhsh
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2019 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:4 -10
چکیده    Background and objectives: modeling cancer in vivo is a very important tool to investigate cancer pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms involved in cancer progression. laboratory mice are the most common animal used for rebuilding human cancer in vivo. cancer stem cells (cscs) are the main reason of failure in cancer therapy because of tumor relapse and metastasis. isolation of cancer stem cells helps us to study their function and behavior. in the current study we separate cancer stemlike cells using sphere formation assay then investigate their tumorigenicity in xenograft tumor model.methods: ym1 cancer cells were cultured in serumfree media (sfm) in low adherent culture dishes for enrichment of cancer stem cells. the resulting spheres containing cancer stemlike cells were dissociated into single cells and were injected into the dorsal flank of b6 nude mice.results: a few days after injection, subcutaneous tumors formed. the growth curves of the resulting tumors were plotted using their weekly recorded lengths. the tumorschr('39') volume and weight were measured. the size of resulting tumors was appropriate to the number of cells injected. pathological analysis confirmed esophageal origin of the resulting tumors.conclusion: using laboratory mice models is a practical modeling system that provides us investigation of human tumors pathogenesis in vivo.
کلیدواژه cancer stem cell ,escc ,xenograft mouse model
آدرس golestan university of medical sciences, stem cell research center, faculty of advanced medical technologies, department of molecular medicine, iran, golestan university of medical sciences, metabolic disorders research center, iran, pasteur institute of iran, north research centre, iran, golestan university of medical sciences, metabolic disorders research center, iran
پست الکترونیکی dr.asadi@goums.ac.ir

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