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   sox2ot, a long non-coding rna involved in autophagy regulation  
نویسنده saghaeian jazi marie
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2019 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:1 -3
چکیده    Sox2 overlapping transcript (sox2ot) is a long noncoding rna associated with cancer pathogenesis. it contributes to a variety of cellular functions and recent evidence propounds its association with autophagy process. it has been showed that sox2ot can regulate the expression of different autophagy associated factors in human cells with different mechanisms, however more remains to be investigated.
کلیدواژه sox2ot ,lncrna ,autophagy
آدرس golestan university of medical sciences, stem cell research center, iran
پست الکترونیکی marie.saghaeian@yahoo.com

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