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   hypoxia and macrophages polarization defecets via ahr perturbation  
نویسنده mohammadi saeed
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2019 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:1 -3
چکیده    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (ahr) signaling has been introduced to be involved in macrophages polarization. the perturbation of ahr has been reported in hypoxia and related disorders. here, i would like to highlight the significance of ahr in hypoxiamediated macrophages polarization and suggest conducting further experiments on related subjects.
کلیدواژه aryl hydrocarbon receptor ,hypoxia ,macrophages ,polarization
آدرس golestan university of medical sciences, stem cell research center, infectious diseases research center, iran
پست الکترونیکی saeed.mohammadi6578@yahoo.com

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