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   the effect of aerobic training with purslane (portulaca oleracea) seed on toll like receptors in colon tumor tissue of adult rats with colon cancer  
نویسنده keshtvarz abdol kheder ,peeri maghsoud ,azarbayjani mohammad ali ,hosseini seyed ali
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2019 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:49 -56
چکیده    Background and objective: exercise and nutrition are two factors influencing the improvement of inflammatory markers in patients with colon cancer. aim of present study was to investigate the effect of aerobic training (at) with purslane (portulaca oleracea) seed (ps) on toll like receptor 2 (tlr2) and tlr4 in colon tumor tissue of rats with colon cancer.methods: in this experimental study 30 adults rats were divided into five groups of six rats including: 1) healthy control, 2) control, 3) training, 4) ps, and 5) training + ps. colon cancer induced by intraperitoneal injection of azoxymethane in groups 2 5. during eight weeks, groups 3 and 5 performed at for five sessions per week also groups 4 and 5 received 75 mg/kg ps intraperitoneally. tlr2 and tlr4 protein levels were measured by elisa method. for review the normal distribution and data shapiro wilk was used and for statistical analysis of data one way anova with tukey rsquo;s post hoc tests were used (p le;0.05).results: training had not significant effect on tlr2 (p=0.91) and tlr4 (p=0.95); ps and training + ps significantly decreased tlr2 and tlr4 (p=0.001) also training + ps had more favorable effect on decrease of tlr2 compare to training and ps alone (p=0.001).conclusion: although ps alone can improve tlr2 and tlr4 levels in colon tumor tissue of adult rats with colon cancer, nevertheless it appears that at along with ps have more favorable effects on improvement of tlr2 compare to training and ps alone.
کلیدواژه exercise ,portulaca ,toll-like receptors ,colonic neoplasms
آدرس islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of sport physiology, iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of sport physiology, iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of sport physiology, iran, islamic azad university, marvdasht branch, department of sport physiology, iran
پست الکترونیکی alihoseini_57@miau.ac.ir

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