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   oxidative stress balance (osb) as a diagnostic biomarker in ischemic stroke (is)  
نویسنده rahmati mina ,mobarra naser ,ghannadan hossein
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2019 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:71 -76
چکیده    Background and objectives: ischemic stroke (is) is a life-threatening disease which lacks reliable prognostic and/or diagnostic biomarkers. in the present study, we examined the serum oxidative stress balance (osb) and evaluated its diagnostic and prognostic value for is. methods: sera from 52 is patients and 52 sex- and age-matched healthy volunteers were obtained. all patients were subjected to the collection of samples at the time of admission, 24 and 48 hours later, at the time of discharge and three months later. osb levels were assessed by spectrophotometry. statistical analyses for diagnostic accuracy of quantitative measures were performed. results: we showed that osb levels were elevated at the time of admission in comparison to normal subjects. roc curve analysis expressed that osb could be an acceptable diagnostic marker to discriminate is patients from normal subjects (auc = 0.7337; p<0.0001). kaplan-meier survival analysis showed that osb had no prognostic value (p=0.8584). conclusion: oxidative stress balance could be introduced as a suggested biomarker to segregate is patients from normal subjects.
کلیدواژه ischemic stroke ,biomarker ,oxidative stress balance
آدرس golestan university of medical sciences, metabolic disorders research center, faculty of medicine, department of biochemistry, iran, mashhad university of medical sciences, school of medicine, department of clinical biochemistry, iran, golestan university of medical sciences, department of neurology, iran
پست الکترونیکی ghannadan53@yahoo.com

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