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   healing effects of ziziphus jujuba hydroalcoholic extract with exercise training on histopathological changes of male wistar rats testicular tissue in response to boldenone steroid administration  
نویسنده yahyaei behrooz ,nouri mahnaz ,matmir hamid
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2018 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:12 -21
چکیده    Background and objectives: anabolic steroids are routinely consumed by athletes. therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of boldenone (bol) on testicular tissue and the healing effect of jujube (ziziphus jujuba) hydroalcoholic extract in addition to physical exercise.methods: in the present case ndash;control study, 42 male wistar rats were purchased and divided into 3 experimental groups. 28 rats were subjected to bol injection and subsequently divided into 4 groups. the control group, sham and 8week bol group which was also divided into 4 subsequent groups of controlling bol complications after 8 weeks, untreated control, jujube extract and jujube extract along with physical exercise.results: in the present study we found that jujube extract exerted healing effects on all groups pf treated rats in addition to the exercise training groups.conclusion: jujube extract along with physical exercise may exert healing effects on testicular tissue after administration of anabolic bol steroid.
کلیدواژه boldenone ,ziziphus jujuba ,hydroalcoholic extract ,testicular tissue ,wistar rat
آدرس islamic azad university, shahrood branch, faculty of medical sciences, department of basic science, ایران, islamic azad university, shahrood branch, faculty of medical sciences, department of obstetrics and gynecology, ایران, islamic azad university, shahrood branch, faculty of medical sciences, department of obstetrics and gynecology, ایران
   اثرات الیتام بخشی عصاره ی هیدروالکلی عناب همراه با تمرین ورزشی بر تغییرات هیستوپاتولوژیک بافت بیضه پس از مصرف استروئید بولدنون  
Authors یحیایی بهروز ,نوری مهناز ,متمیر حمید

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