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   dna hypomethylation of the nuclear receptor subfamily 5 (nr5a1) gene promoter is associated with endometriosis among women in north west of iran  
نویسنده larki soraya ,maleki masoud
منبع jorjani biomedicine journal - 2018 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:1 -11
چکیده    Background and objectives: endometrial tissue growth and its activity outside the uterus cause endometriosis. it has been suggested that various epigenetic deviations play a major role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis. steroidogenic factor 1 (sf1; nr5a1) is an essential transcription factor for estrogen biosynthesis in endometrial cells. the expression of sf1 in endometriosis and lack of expression in normal endometrium is primarily determined by its promoter methylation. here, we aimed to compare the methylation status of the sf1 gene promoter region in women with endometriosis in comparison to healthy subjects. methods: in the present case ndash;control study, dna was extracted from 25 endometrial tissue samples from women with endometriosis and 5 normal posthysterectomy endometrium tissues which were collected from tabriz hospitals including valieasr, taleghani, 29 bahman and shams in 2016. the obtained dna samples were subjected to bisulfitetreatment. finally, the status of sf1gene promoter methylation was evaluated by methylation specific pcr method. statistical analyses including descriptive and inferential statistics were conducted using tables, bar charts by statistical software spss version 20 and independence test.results: the methylation status of sf1 gene promoter was decreased significantly in endometriosis samples (p<0.05). conclusion: sf1 gene promoter hypomethylation could increase the relative expression of sf1 gene in endometriosis which may lead to the development or progression of the disease.
کلیدواژه endometriosis ,promoter methylation ,steroidogenic factor 1 gene ,nr5a1 ,nr5a1
آدرس islamic azad university, tabriz branch, department of biology, ایران, islamic azad university, tabriz branch, department of biology, ایران
پست الکترونیکی maleki.masuod@gmail.com
   هایپومتیلاسیون DNA در پروموتر ژن (NR5A1) nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member1 مرتبط با اندومتریوز زنان در شمال غرب ایران  
Authors لرکی ثریا ,ملکی مسعود

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