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   شخصیّت ویس با نگاه به نظریۀ عقدۀ حقارت آلفرد آدلر  
نویسنده عبداله زاده طیبه ,ترکمانی باراندوزی وجیهه ,صادقی انسیه
منبع پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي - 1399 - دوره : 18 - شماره : 35 - صفحه:123 -140
چکیده    ویس و رامین  اثر فخرالدّین اسعد گرگانی از منظومه های غنایی است که با پرداخت درست و دقّت در توصیف شخصیّت ها و جزرومدّهای روحی آن ها، از آثار قابل بررسی با نقد روان کاوانه است.این نوع نقد در میان انواع نقد و بررسی های آثار ادبی که از ابتدای قرن بیستم شکل گرفت؛ متاثر از روشی است  که توسط فروید بنا نهاده شد. در این شیوه به متن به مثابه یک رویا می‌نگرند و منتقد به تاویل آن می‌پردازد تا به لایه‌های نهفته آن پی ببرد. سوال اصلی تحقیق این است که چه عواملی در شکل گیری عقدۀ حقارت در شخصیت ویس نقش داشته اند؟ تحقیق حاضر با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی شخصیّت ویس در منظومۀ فخرالدین اسعد گرگانی را از دیدگاه  نظریّۀ عقدۀ حقارت آلفردآدلر، پزشک اتریشی، مورد نقد و بررسی قرار می دهد. نتایج  تحقیق نشان می دهدکه ویس به سبب نادیده گرفته شدن ، شکست در عشق ویرو و از دست دادن پدر، دچار عقدۀ کهتر انگاری شده است. وی این  عقده را با جانشین سازی(انتقال به موبد)، به عقدۀ برتری جویی تبدیل کرده وآن را به شکل تناقض در رفتار، حس برتری جویی، رشک وحسد و... نمایان ساخته است.
کلیدواژه ویس، منظومۀ ویس و رامین، عقدۀ حقارت، آدلر
آدرس دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد چالوس, ایران, دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد چالوس, ایران, دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد چالوس, ایران
پست الکترونیکی sadeghy.ensiyeh1390@yahoo.com
   The character of Wis, looking at Alfred Adler’s theory of inferiority complex  
Authors abdollahzade tayebeh ,torkamani barandoozi vajihe ,sadeghy ensiyeh
Abstract    1      Introduction      The Vis and Ramin poems of Fakhroddin Asadgorgani have a special place in Persian language. This poem is one of the first romantic masnhas in Persian Dari. The principle of the verse of Weiss and Ramin is from the Persian periodic and preIslamic period of the Parthian period. The story of a story goes &in a family that, according to Professor Minorsky, was founded by Goodarz II& (Islami Nodoshan, 1370: 203). This poem has a specific feature (love forbidden) than similar ones, which can be considered from various aspects.The first hero and the main character of the story is &Wis a shrewd and unscrupulous woman who handles her appreciation in the face of events and has no claims and dreams except for the love she himself calls for. The story of Fakhroddin Asad, in this regard, contains some very interesting points about the life of aristocratic women at that time, their motives and their social status.it should be noted that the story of Fakhroddin Gorgani about wis is so clear that his personality is completely believable in the story. In fact, we can say that the story of Weiss and Ramin emerged from the consciousness consciousness, as well as the unconscious author of the story, which, in Islamic interpretation, has been &loved& and because in Love is imperceptible, and may have been compensated for by failing to compose a successful love story &(ibid., 202). This story and its characters have been subtly disciplined, carefully scrutinizing each person’s character in the story, they can be evaluated by the psychologists’ theories, including the characters in this poem, the same rich and rich personality of Wis .   2      Research methodology This research focuses on the psychological theory of Alfred Adler, in a descriptiveanalytical manner on the constraint of humility in the person of Weiss. Therefore, the method of doing this research is that, after introducing Adler and his theory of humiliation, he analyzes the character of Wis and describes his features in relation to this theory, such as neglect, jealousy and rebelliousness, excellence, etc. Ultimately, the presence of such contracts in the visibility of the reader is enhanced. 3       DiscussionThe character is an actor of the story, and in a narrative or dramatic manner, there is one whose psychological and moral quality has existed in his practice and what he says and does (Mirsadeghi, 1997: 299). Characteristics of personality in a person can either be unique or have a common interest among individuals. Uniqueness means that each person has different personality patterns (Ross, 1999: 16).With precise descriptions of how Fakhroddin Asad Gorgani has presented the spiritual conditions, doubts, and fears of Wis in the story, he largely reveals the poet’s knowledge of the psychological and internal vises and its complexities.In fact, Wis is a very natural and completely true woman whose existence is associated with the accumulation and life, and in addition to the elector’s spirit, the sense of revenge is also very strong in him. She is inherently a charming woman, and since she encourages her to be friends with Ramin, she repeatedly defames Day’a and hardly surrenders; this surrender of Wis can be seen as a revenge of a man who prevented her from her husband. He even killed his father and stole him from his home. Revenge itself, amongst other things, means less reparation that forces a person to take revenge on others due to his shortcomings (Mansour, 1358: 50).His charm and ability to disagree with the mobid is one of the characteristics of his youthful age. Although Wis is condemned to a decision made prior to his birth and has not played any role in this regard, it is used in critical and critical situations with the force of command and character and the language of thirst. What is important about Wis is the story of his life, which, according to Adler’s theory, is a symbol of the conceit of humiliation that occasionally flourishes in order to compensate for this indignation and flutter against the priests.Indeed, the story of the story reveals that what wis is more than anything else in the story is that wis has used all his thoughts and feelings to serve Ramin’s attachment and betrayal of Mobid. And this is the result of a complex in this character. 4      ConclusionThe story of Weiss and Ramin, the forbidden love to compensate for the ensemble hidden in Weiss is as well illustrated as possible. Fakhroddin Asad has arranged this situation with positioning, appropriate and timely, artistic spaces. What is evident in the story of Weiss and Ramin, from the psychological point of view of Adler, is the various aspects of Weiss’s actions and behaviors that tried to express some aspects of Weiss’s personality with Adler’s psychoanalysis. His gender and difference with his other homosexuals in dealing with the challenge that comes to him in love; his forbidden love to Ramin and the negative view of the clergy and the environment in this category, on the one hand, and the emergence of repeated psychotic behaviors, the compensatory responses of Weiss to reconstruct the situations of loss On the other hand, and finally, his superiority to the cleric, is evidence of a documentary on this claim.The conquest of humility forced him to reach out to what he chose and thereby succeed in substituting this complex. This view of Weis’s personality, in the correct understanding of the mind and spirit and the unconscious implications of this character, leads the reader to the conclusion that Fakhroddin Asad has used extreme elegance and narration in the processing of narratives; In order to explain a clear and clear picture of the characters in his story, they show them with all the apparent, inner, and subjective features, as well as the scene in front of the reader. Resources1Adler, Alfred; Individual Psychology, Translated by  Hassan ZamaniE Sharafashahi , Tehran; Tasvir Publication, 1992.2Ahmadvand, Mohammad Ali, Mental Health, Tehran; PayamE Noor, 2008.3 Asad gorgani, Fakhreddin,Vis and Ramin;an effort by:Roshan mohammad;Tehran,contemporary voice(SedayEMoaser),1999.4Carver, Charles S, personality theories, , Translated by Ahmad Rezvani, Mashhad, Astan Qods Razavi,2009.5Eghbali,Ebrahim and GamariEGivi, Hossein,psychological study of three Persian lyirical verses of Kosro and Sirin, leili and majnoon and Vis and Ramin ,Quarterely Periodical of research for the Persian language and literature,issue/edition2,No2,20055IslamiENadooshan, Mohammad Ali, JamEJahanbein(worldy wise Cup), Tehran; Tous, 1992.6Iven, Robert and Larence Erlbam; An Introduction to Theories  of Personality, New gercy: Larence Erlbaum et alo,2003.7 Karimi, Yousef, Personality Psychology, Tehran; PayamE Noor,2006.8____________, History and Schools of Psychology, Tehran; PayamE Noor,2007.9     9 Kazem Khanloo, Naser, Radmard, Mostafa and Aliinezhad Zarei, Ancient psychological analysis of the mother model in the systems of Wis and Ramin, Third National Conference on the Millennium and Humanities,2016.10 Mansour, Mahmood, Inferiority Feeling, Tehran; roshd,1970.11 Manuchehrian, Parviz, Inferiority complex , Tehran; Gothenburg,1984.12 Mirsadeghi, Jamal, Story elements, Tehran;shafa,1998.13 Nasehi, Abbasali and Reisi, Firoozeh, An overview of Adler’s ideas, New cognitiv, New Journal of Cognitive Science, Year ninth, first issue, pp. 6655, 2008.14Ross Alen; Personality Psychology, Translated by Jamalfar , Siavash; Tehran, Ravan,2000.15Schwltz, Duan, personality theories, Karimi et alo, Tehran, Arasbaran, 2006.16Shad Aram, Alireza and Sharifi –EVoldani, Gholam Hossein,  Role of women in two stories of Tristan, Izoot and Vis and Ramin, Qurterly periodical of Academy, The eleventhYear , Issue No 2, Pages of 119 and 136, 2011.17Shamisa, cyrus; literarl criticism, Tehran; Ferdosi, 2000.18Sperber, Monse, An Autobiographical Analysis of Dispotism and Autocracy, Translated by Ali Sahebi ,ph.d, Tehran; Politeness and Knowledge, 2001.19siasi, Ali akbar; Personality Theories or Schools of Psychology Schools, Tehran, Tehran University, 2001.

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