عدالت و هیبت ممدوح در ذهنیت فرخی، عنصری و منوچهری
عباسپور مرتضی ,کاظمی داریوش ,شایگان مریم
پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي - 1399 - دوره : 18 - شماره : 35 - صفحه:105 -122
آرزوی دستیابی به یک زندگی آرمانی، پیوسته انسانهای خردمند را به جستجوی زندگی بهتر وامی داشته است، در این راستا برخی، مثل افلاطون به صورت مدوّن و مستقیم و برخی نیز مثل شاعران، به صورت غیرمستقیم، جامعۀ آرمانی مورد نظر خود را به تصویر کشیده اند؛ برخلاف تصور ظاهری، اشعار مدحی هم به نوعی بیان کنندۀ آرمانشهر ذهنی شاعران است که با توصیف ممدوح به صفاتی که در واقع متّصف به آن نیست، حاکم آرمانی ذهنی خود را آن گونه که آرزو دارند به تصویر می کشند، در مدایح فرخی، عنصری و منوچهری نیز جلوه های شخصیت حاکم آرمانی مشاهده می شود؛ این پژوهش برآن است تا مشخص کند نقش و کارکرد دو خصلت عدالت و هیبت در ترسیم شخصیت حاکم آرمانی چیست؟ روش تحقیق در پژوهش حاضر، تحلیلی توصیفی و ابزار مورد استفاده، دیوان اشعار شاعران مورد نظراست که نشان می دهد عدالت برخاسته از دانش حاکم است و باعث ایجاد امنیت، آرامش و آبادانی مُلک می گردد؛ هیبت نیز در کنار عدالت باعث جلوگیری از ناامنی داخلی و مانع تجاوز بیگانگان می گردد؛ عدالت، یکی از ابزار هیبت ساز حاکم است و هیبت شاه نیز بر توان عدالت گستری او می افزاید.
کلید واژه، عدالت، هیبت، مدایح، حاکم آرمانی
دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمان, ایران, دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمان, ایران, دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمان, ایران
پست الکترونیکی
Justice and Majesty of The Praised in Farrokhi ,Onsori and Manoucheri’ s Ideas
abbaspour morteza ,kazemi dariush ,Shaygan Maryam
1 IntroductionThrough the history, the wise and educated people in all nations wished to achieve utopia; so some of them ,like Plato described utopia, codified and directly ; and others like some poets, indirectly. An important part of Persian poem is encomiastic and eulogy. Some critics ignored these poets and considered them just poetic exaggeration to get more prize ,but it doesn’t match the reality ,they call encomiastic tellers ,flatteners who hid the praised faults and deceived people .But it should be considered that, on one hand, these poems describe utopia which exists in the mind of the society, and on the other hand, they describe the social progress of the history. When Anvari or Farrokhi eulogize their own praised for a special personality , although the praised person doesn’t have all these personalities –that he often doesn’t havethe eulogy shows that these qualities are the standard of social values, which dominated the heart of the society and people’s wishes .(Shafiei Kadkani, 1993 :43 ). In Ghaznavi Dynasti, encomiastic and eulogy, got away from purity and approached flattering. Ghaznavi kings who knew the importance of the poem as a media, very well; had ordered a special and limited instructions for poets, and tried to take advantage of the them, pretending that their government is perfect. Although this described society , is really different from the reality ;but it should be considered that, the poet needs to be safe to show his abilities ; and it’s possible through being closed to the government. The poet may get away from the government and be a recluse or may flatter it; the other choice is looking for safety , through companionship of kings. In fact, apparently, he is devoted to kings and eulogize them , but he doesn’t really believe that eulogy , and tries to use this situation to achieve his own inner goals (Pour Amen , 2009,: 1); so the encomiastic teller, describes utopia , to ask the addresser to know better about the kings’ injustice , oppression and cruelty when he compares this utopia to reality. This study wonders if we can understand Ghaznavian poets’ mental utopia according to their great number of encomiastic poems ? If the answer is &yes& how have the two personalities of justice and majesty , been described in poets’ eulogies, (Farrokhi, Onsori , Manouchehri ) , living in the first period of Ghaznavi Dynasty ? 2 Research methodology Research method is descriptiveanalytic, so sources and documents ,available in libraries, have been used. It means , after studying the important poets’ poetical works ( Divans of Farrokhi, Onsori, Manouchehri), living in the first period of Ghaznavi Dynasti; enocomiastic verses including two utopian qualities such as justice and majesty and related subjects ,have been noted and classified; then according to the evidence , poets’ ideas about the importance and output of the quality in the ideal king (the praised) , have been studied. Besides, the importance of these two qualities has been considered , in ancient Iran and some utopian nations. 3 Discussion Considering the importance of justice in achieving an utopia, Ghaznavian poets who were encomiastic tellers , described kings and princess as fair persons:& Justice came , and safety came and people were released From the claws of the cruel wolves&.(farrokhi, 1932: 158)These poets, compared the praised kings ’ justice, to that of historical and mythical kings, living before Islam , like Esfandiyar and Anoushirvan ( fake fair). The fair praised were sometimes compared to caliphs of Rashedin (Omar) or Abbasi caliphs . In Ghaznavi eulogy, the ideal king is so fair that little gazelle drinks milk from the lion and partridge doesn’t get scared of hawks. In the society which is under their domination, the poor and the rich are the same; and the peasants are safe from the wolfishes; even the wild boar doesn’t dare to attack the saffron farm; and the king’s justice influenced on snake poison too, it made it ineffective and made it not hurt others. Justice and fairness have extremely eradicated aggressive and greed people, so that the guards are unemployed because of peace and safeness ; and have nothing to do , except being happy and welcoming the guests who have come to utopia. Peace and safeness make people come back hometown and cause the business boom; and the country gets cultivated, decorated and comfortable, because of the fair king. Justice which is the base of utopia, itself, originates from the wise king’s knowledge and awareness , and the king’s knowledge lets him know the importance of justice in the society and how to establish it. That’s why in many verses , knowledge and justice, together have been known as the praised kings’ personalities , it proves their necessity to be together, in the ideal king to be able to implement justice:& The fair king whose knowledge is so much that,There would be no secret for him about his country&. (Manouchehri, 2011 :189)Besides justice, majesty is also one of the ideal king’s personalities. Majesty and power qualify the king to found a utopia based on justice and fairness. The kings try to show and retain majesty. A lot of factors influenced on magnificence and majesty: The number of soldiers in the army ; the number and size of palaces and the number of servants. The number of poets and scholars who attended the court, was a factor which increased the majesty of the court; it was why, Mahmoud Ghaznavi made a lot of efforts to invite poets and scientists to Ghazneh. Even, the king’s appearance was shown powerful, using big crowns and beautiful clothes. Justice is another criterion for king’s majesty& It was asked , which power, is more useful and beneficial for the kings, and its benefit is more public? It was answered: the majesty of justice and being perfect ; and defeating bad people and trouble makers’ wickedness.& (Ibne Maskawiyeh , 1995:92).Therefore justice, on one hand , creates majesty , and on the other hand , it can be implemented at the presence of power and majesty. The poets , living in the first period of Ghaznavi Dynasti , believe that majesty prevents chaos , oppression, violation of human rights and social laws and rules. The king majesty is the peasants’ protector and nobody can disagree with a strong king. King’s majesty , not only provides safeness and peace, in the country , but also, it discourages the kings of other countries from the attack, and can defeat enemies too:& The name of god has given him so much majestyThat nobody dares to disagree &(Onsori, 1984: 112). 4 ConclusionAccording to the study the poets’ eulogies in Ghaznavi Dynasti, represent their ideas and opinions about the ideal king’s personalities which they had in their minds. Although these eulogies are full of exaggerations and don’t match the praised kings’ real personalities _these kings are mostly Ghaznavian _ they show the ideal king’s personality from the wise poet’s point of view. Out of these qualities , justice and majesty are very important and poets living in the first period of Ghaznavi Dynasti, especially Farrokhi , Onsori, and Manouchehri, used them to praise their kings. After the study of these verses we understand that king’s justice comes from his knowledge and wisdom; and justice creates safeness and peace in the society. So people go there, business booms and happiness and improvement increase. The king’s majesty and power, also lead to safeness, prevents violation of laws, and prevents dictators from …people’s properties. It also prevents other countries from the attack . justice and majesty complete each other; so if the king doesn’t have majesty and power, people and peasants don’t obey social rules and laws, and just try for their own personal benefits, and their greed make them violate other peoples’ rights. Therefore, the base of utopia which is social justice, can’t come true. The king’s domineering and power against injustice , can retain majesty and magnificence, and makes it possible for the kings to do their most important task, which is implementation of justice, _the most fundamental, part of utopia.