«بدل بلاغی» بستری برای آفرینش طنز در غزلیات حافظ
حیدری علی ,رحیمی هرسینی بهنوش
پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي - 1399 - دوره : 18 - شماره : 35 - صفحه:47 -64
طنز ملیح یکی از ویژگی های شعر حافظ است. حافظ علاوه بر روش های مرسوم، از «بدل بلاغی» (جانشین کردن واژگان) برای آفرینش طنز بهره برده است. در مقالۀ حاضر با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی به بررسی شکل گیری طنز با کمک بدل بلاغی، در دیوان حافظ، پرداخته شده تا نشان داده شود که حافظ چرا و چگونه از این شگرد برای طنزآفرینی استفاده کرده است. به نظر می رسد که با تشریح این شیوه، می توان الگویی تازه برای ایجاد طنز به دست داد. او برای آفرینش طنز، مفاهیم را حداقل به چهار طریق جایگزین یکدیگر می کند: 1 واژگانی را که به علت کاربرد در حوزه شرع و عرفان، معنای اصطلاحی و نمادین یافته اند، با معانی عادی و اولیۀ آن ها جایگزین می کند. 2 صفات منفی را جانشین چهره های مقدس در شرع و عرفان می کند. 3 واژگان را با مفاهیم متضاد؛ و چهره های نمادین را با شخصیت های مقابلشان جایگزین؛ و نوعی تساوی میان چهره ها و واژگان متضاد ایجاد می کند. 4 مشبه به را جانشین مشبه در مصراع نخست می کند و نوعی استعاره می آفریند که لفظ مستعار علاوه بر معنای استعاری، دلالت اصلی و اولیۀ خود را نیز حفظ می کند.
بدل بلاغی، حافظ، طنز
دانشگاه لرستان, ایران, دانشگاه لرستان, ایران
پست الکترونیکی
Rhthorical apposition the basis for the creation of Humor in Hafez sonnets
heidari ali ,rahimi e harsini behnoosh
1.IntroductionIrony such as quibble is one of Hafez’s the most important of stylistic characteristics.The basis of Hafez’s irony is an extra ordinary which is created in different methods. Hafez’s irony despite of other authors and poets irony (that sometime has led to smut and libel) is melodious, closet, and punctual. One of evidence for being melodious and hidden irony used by Hafez is his special way in entrance to the sources of ironycreating. This way has been neglected by others to some extent. One of the Hafez’s method of irony creating is substituting vocabulary in to hemistiches of a verse from different fields. In the two ways that some of the concepts of the second hemistich of the verse and is substituted by the other concepts of the first hemistich of the verse by Rhetorical relations. This method is termed Rhetorical opposition&.(see: shemisa1388, p:409). He sometimes in order to avoid from repetition of words, compounds and concepts used in hemistich prefer to use the synonym, similar or even antonym of them in the second hemistich, these substitutions besides of avoidance of the tautology (repetition), disaster of the underlying various and different Rhetorical and artificial points. One of these techniques by these substitution (Rhetorical opposition) created, is irony.Hafez’s the highest art in this technique is forming words, compounds and concepts of antonym and dissimilar from semantic fields that are clearly different. Instead of similarity this summation of contradictions opposition by means of Hafez’s magical art has created irony in the most cases. It’s obvious that not all Hafez’s rhythmoppositionled to irony and vice verses. Even among irony which are made by this technique we can’t always see antonym relation between two substituted concepts. But substituting different concepts causes deletion of differences and creating sameness among them. The sameness of different concepts is a kind of extraordinary that create irony in Hafez’s utterance:With pride in science, you can not be relieved of joy Come on cupbearer, you are more beautiful than the ignorant. ( Hafez the say)&Aliment& in popular tradition bodes to the god’s lawful gifts for servant, but in this verse is termed as joviality instruments (causes) which, is counted height the lawful nor livelihood. Hafez by substituting these dissimilar meanings created equality between them. Equality caused in coherent co and creates irony. The present article introduces the structure of this technique for gibing (irony making) according to concepts in this verse. The aim of the article is answering the following questions.1.How can we create relation substitution and equality between concepts?2.How does this technique create irony in this verse?3.What is the reason for brevity and its hideness of this irony?4.What are the reasons why we precept two ironic, symbolic and irony concepts from some verses? 2.Research methodThis present article aims to study forming of irony by means of the Rhetorical opposition in Hafez’s Divan by analytical descriptive method. It expresses that why and how has Hafez used this technique for irony creating. It seems that a new model of irony creating can be explained by this technique. 3.DiscussionIrony creating by substitution of concepts in some cases are obvious (clear) and in some other ones is covert (hidden). The method of reference of concepts to each other is the creation of this quality. In some cases the substituted word (opposition) has direct reference to the first word (from substituted and apparition is referred to substituting by demonstrative such as &this& and &that.&The face and eyes this beautiful, you say forgetGo! This meaningless scold enters my head not. (Hafez, 1385:294)Meaningless sermon (advice) is the ironic descriptive of the preachers speech (utterance) that wants to prevent Hafez from seeing the handsome &face& and &eyes&. This description by demonstratives has direct reference to the hemistich of verse, so the irony of this verse is obvious. In the most cases the irony which is created by this technique is covert and ambiguous, because reference of concepts to each other is covert and opposition beside of reference to first concept keeps the main meaning.The mention of thy face and tress, to my heart,Is a great pain that, morning and evening, it hath. (the same:273)The irony of this verse is covert and only by paying attention to metaphoric relations are conceived by words as &morning& and &night& or &face& and &hair&. The first meaning that is conceived from this verse is that speaking about your hair and face for me is such as prayer and rosary that i repeat in every prayer and citation. (Haravi, 1386, 1/505. If we consider the meaning of the word(have) &darad& as &possession& not &continuous&, another meaning of the verse is conceived which as: the mention of your &face& and your &hair& for me is such as rosary and recitation that i repeat each morning and night. It means that Hafez’s heart repeats his minion’s &face and hair& instead of the repetition of the gods names and adjectives. As it’s popular. People utilize Allah’s names and adjective in their prayers and rosaries for blessing. Hafez by creating the simile for preference of &her& &face& and hair to god’s names, and using irony and addresses his minion and says that I despite of the pious theosophists, repeat the words instead of the gods names &hair& and &face& continuously. Here assuming the sameness of the &face and hair& with gods names has created irony. 4.ConclusionClaiming the sameness between two different things is an extraordinary matter. It makes contrastive meaning and sometimes meaning mixed with irony. This irony, encompass subjects as religion, theosophy and amorous meanings, of course in this article have not discussed all kinds of irony in this fields. Most expressions of these fields are popular concepts in language that because of their extra application in these fields, have lost their elementary (primary) meaning, they have gotten spiritual, religious, theosophists or amorous meanings. Hafez contrasts these expressive with usual meanings. He gets their colloquial meanings and converts them to a usual concept or popular meaning. In to most cases this causes the creation of the utterance irony. In other case a some of customary and juridical persons are substituted by unvalued adjectives and low meaning, and lowers a specious person and apparently sacred. It is interesting that Hafez even don’t bear symbolic meanings of the amorous poetry (poetical tradition). He substitutes elegance elements of the traditional poetry by ugly symbols. This opposition and disproportion of the poetical figures sometime approximates and lowers the minion to his academy. Among the characteristics of this kind of irony, ambiguity, brevity can be enumerated. When opposition not only refers to (from opposition) and refers to it but also refers to the causes of the grammatical independence of two parts of the verse and refers to the main and real meaning of them too. Brevity is created which the deletion of relations and substitution of vocabulary and utterance causes approximation to metaphor in this technique. The ambiguity of irony also is created when rhetorical relations of two sides have covert substitution. The reader must deducts them by mental investigation. Sometimes opposition refers to several antecedent (from opposition). This causes ambiguity and hide ness of the irony meaning.