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   غم غربت و عوامل شکل گیری آن در شعر «نزار قبانی»  
نویسنده افخمی عقدا رضا ,جمشیدی فاطمه
منبع پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي - 1399 - دوره : 18 - شماره : 35 - صفحه:9 -26
چکیده    «غم غربت» یا «یادمانه» یک احساس درونی تلخ و شیرین به اشیا، اشخاص و موقعیت‌های گذشته است که به دلیل رویدادهای سیاسی و اجتماعی پس از جنگ های جهانی، بسیار مورد توجّه روان شناسان، جامعه شناسان و بیش از هر قشری، شاعران قرار گرفت و مظاهر این پدیده بر شعر شاعران معاصر عربی و به ویژه «نزار قبانی» شاعر سوری غالب شد. پژوهش حاضر با روش تحلیلی – توصیفی و استفاده از منابع کتابخانه ای نوشته شده است و نگارندگان با در نظر گرفتن زندگی اجتماعی و سیاسی «نزار قبانی»، به واکاوی اشعار او از منظر «یادمانه» پرداخته اند. در رابطه با دستاوردهای پژوهش حاضر باید گفت نمود پنج قسم از یادمانه ها در شعر نزار قبانی قابل مشاهده است که عبارتند از: «یادمانه دوری از وطن»، «یادمانه دوران کودکی»، «یادمانه سوگ همسر» «یادمانه ناکامی اجتماعی» و «یادمانه از دست رفتن جامعه‌ آرمانی». همچنین این دسته از اشعار وی در نتیجه‌ عواملی چون مرگ همسر، دوری از وطن، مشاهده‌ نابسامانی های جامعه و نیز سکوت مردم در برابر ظلم و بی عدالتی در دیوان وی تجلّی یافت.
کلیدواژه شعر معاصر عربی، غم غربت، یادمانه، نزار قبانی
آدرس دانشگاه یزد, ایران, دانشگاه یزد, ایران
پست الکترونیکی f.jamshidi1364@gmail.com
   The Nostalgia and it,s Creating factors in Nazar Ghabani’s poems  
Authors afkhami aghda reza ,Jamshidi Fatemeh
Abstract    IntroductionIn literature, Reminiscence nostalgia or homesickness is actually the poetic regrets that the poets talk about for a sense of nostalgia or regret over things or those who have already been lost for any possible reasons (Mousavi et al., 1391). This process, which is rooted in psychology, is said to be a form of writing, which the poet or author applies in his own work in order to remember the memories of the past with the grief and pain or describes what he his has lost. Usually the memories of the homesickness or reminiscence encompasses a wide area which includes the memories of relatives, neighbors, childhood land, the past prominent values and everything that makes the poet to regret about losing it.One of the Arab poets, whose poems make a significant contribution to reflecting the feeling of homesickness, is the contemporary poet “Nazar Ghabbani”. In this paper, the authors tried to reveal the process of &homesickness& in his poems after analyzing the poet’s poetry. The purpose of this study is to uncover some of the unknown aspects of Nazar Ghabbani ’s poetry, including his attention to Arab lands and his childhood. We aim to fade the suspension that all his poems are related to the love and women exclusively, and the role of grim themes and poetry containing homesickness in various forms is also expressed in the excellence of his poem, which seems to be necessary. In this research, the following questions have been answered.How has the content of  &homesickness& or &Reminiscence& revealed themselves  in the poems of &Nazar Ghabbani&?What are the factors leading to the formation of  homesickness in Nazar Ghabbani and its manifestation in the poems of this poet? Research MethodologyThis study is based on the descriptiveanalytical method and the library resources. The authors initially devoted their work to the definition and the description of the “homesickness” or “Reminiscence” and its factors and its types. Also, in the rest of this paper, we present Nazar Ghabbani’s biography and then, consider the social and political life of him from the &homesickness& perspective.For this goal, the poems of the poet were repeatedly studied and with considering the theoretical foundations of the research, the samples of poems and the various examples of homesickness were extracted from Nazar Ghabbani’s poems. In addition, its main reasons have been analyzed. DiscussionAfter reviewing the Nazar Ghabbani’s poems, five aspects of the manifestation of “nostalgia” or “Reminiscence” were identified in his poems, including nostalgia for his homeland”, “nostalgia for his childhood, “Mom’s grief’s Reminiscent”, “the reminiscence of failure in the society” and “ the reminiscent of losing ideal society” which are discussed below. In order to investigate the manifestation of nostalgia for this poem, “Nazar Ghabbani”, we should mention that, in one of his works “AlDameshghiat”, he felt intensively dependent on one of the Arab cities, and the intensity of his feeling was expressed as Mother. He considers himself to be descended (the birth) of these cities, and it seems that his metaphor of Arab cities to Mother was the expression of his anguish (distress) for his homeland and reunion.One of the manifestations of homesickness is the return to his childhood and the memories of those times. In one of his poems, Nazar Ghabbani, recounts the natural beauty of his hometown in his childhood. And perhaps it can be said that seeing plenty of these phenomena in those days and living in an environment full of these beauties and blessings has left such a pleasant effect on his memory, which, after many years, is also one of the most important factors in provoking the poet’s nostalgia.He also had a hard and intensive homesickness for his wife and in one of his poems; he used the metaphor for describing his love. He resembled his feeling and his children’s feeling to trembling of the leaves of the trees and then he resembled it  to a feather which is exposed to the rain. And at the end, with the phrase &the sweetest home& addressed to his deceased wife, he would like to point out that even the Arab homeland, with all his popularity with the poet, cannot stop the moment of grief resulting from the death of his wife. Among the issues that raised the regret of Nazar Ghabbani is that he did not have the right to express his thoughts, which made him so annoyed. Moreover, he felt saddened because he could not perform his intellectual and guiding role.In many cases, the sadness of the poet is due to the social problems which were made by politicians who did not have enough knowledge. One thing that caused more grief for Nazar Ghabbani about the homesickness and the separation of ideal land was related to a stifling situation and the coercion of tyrant on his land. Because the people were harnessed by the security officials strictly, they did not have the right to do the slightest manipulation in their lives, and Nazar Ghabbani was very sad about this.ConclusionOne of the dominant features of most of Nazar Ghabbani’s poems is a feeling of nostalgia and regret, either an anguish for the past events, or for events that had to occur at the time of poet for his country and his countrymen, but never occurred. All of this caused the deep feeling of deep sadness in the poet’s soul and made him to write poems with the theme of grief and regret. These poems, known as reminiscent of the poet, have a special place in the Nizar’s book. In an special classification, we can distinguish the most important manifestation of reminiscence in five parts: away from homeland, childhood, wife’s death, a social failure and loss of ideal society.  The most important and efficient factors in manifestation of Nazar Ghabbani’s poems is about homesickness; we can express the wife’s death, being away from homeland, reviewing the childhood memories, seeing the problems and existence of the anarchy in the society including the intolerance of tyrant’s oppression against the people and interference in their lives and also the great grief for people’s silence against the injustice.   References 1.      Abuali, nabil Khaled, Nazar Ghabbani Shaer Almarat and Alsiasat, Maktabat Madbouli, 1999 M.2.      Aghagh, Ghadat, Dalalatolmadinat fel Khatabo Sherel Arable Moaser, Etehadol Ketabol Arab, Dameshgh, 2001 M.3.      Alfakhori, Hana, Aljame fi Tarikhol Adabel Arabi, Atabata Sania, Daroljeil, Beyrot, 2005 M.4.      Alhalh, Yahya Mohammad, Gherat fi Adab Nazar Ghabbani, Manshourat dar Alaodin, Dameshgh, 2001 M.5.      Alsharabi, Kamal Fouzi, Nazar Ghabbani Asheghe Safar, Afaghol Marefat, 2008 M, NO. 532, Pages 381392.6.      Alsiasi, Fasliat Derasatol Moaser, seif 1388 sh, NO. 3, Pages 101135.7.      Anoushe Hassan, Farhangname Adabi farsi, Published in the Organization of Chap va Enteshar, Tehran, 1376 sh.8.      Ashouri, Darush, Farhang Oloum Ensani, Winter, Tehran, 1381 sh.9.      Bateni, Mohammadreza et al., Vajename Ravanshenasi, Tehran 1386 sh.10.  Ghabbani, Nazar, Alamalo Siasatol Kamelat, Beyrot, Manshorat Nazar Ghabbani, Altabatol Khamesat, 1993 M.11.                   ,        , Alamalo Shariatol Kamelat, Part 1, Beyrot, Manshorat Nazar Ghabbani, 1944 M.12.                    ,        , Alamalo Shariatol Kamela, Part 7, Beyrot, Manshorat Nazar Ghabbani, 1999 M.13.                    ,         , Aldameshghiat, Altabatol Ula, Nashrolmanar, Beyrot va Dameshgh, 2000 M.14.                    ,      , Alamalo Sheriatol Kamela, Aljoze Sales, Beyrot, Manshorat Nazar Ghabbani, 2005 M.15.  Haghshenas, Alimohammad, Farhang Moaser Hezare (English Persian), Farhange Moaser, Tehran, 1376 sh.16.  Mosavi et al., Ghame Ghorbat dar Ashare Manochehri Atashi, Pajouhane Adab Ghanaii, Sistan Balochestan University, Year 10, NO.19, Autumn and Winter 1391 sh, Pages 14566.17.  Niazi, salah, Aleghterab val Batalol Ghomi, Altabatol Oula, Alentesharol Arabi, 1999 M.18.  Oveisi kahkha, abdolali, Baresi Romantism va Baztab andar Shere Hassan Honarmandi, Pajouheshname Adab Ghenaii Sistan Balochestan University, year 10, NO 18, Spring and Winter 1391 sh, pages 528 .19.  Pourafkari, Nosrat, Farhang Jame Ravanshenasi(English  Persian), Farhang Moaser, Tehran, 1376 sh.20.  Seier, Rabert et al., Romantism va Tafakor Ejtemaii, Translated by Yosef Abazari, Arghanoun, 1373 sh.21.  Shamlu, Saieed, Asib Shenasi Ravani, Edition 6, Roshd Publication, Tehran, 1375 sh.Archer,J., Irland, J., Amos, S.L.,Broad, H., Currid,L. 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