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   احتیاطات مد نظر در اتاق عمل در دوران کرونا  
نویسنده دهقان ابنوی سمانه
منبع journal of multidisciplinary care - 1399 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:708 -710
آدرس دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد, دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی, گروه پرستاری و مامایی, ایران
پست الکترونیکی s.dehghan.a@gmail.com
   Precautions in the Operating Room during the COVID-19 Pandemic  
Authors dehghan abnavi samaneh
Abstract    Corona is a respiratory virus that can cause death as well as many complications in recovering patients. Preventive and control measures to protect people who are exposed to the corona virus and contract it depend on the type of work performed and the risk of exposure to infected people and contamination of the workplace. Due to the nonnecessity of performing nonemergency surgeries and taking precautionary measures for patients who are candidates for surgery and whose corona test is positive, various cases should be considered by the staff during the surgery. To prevent and manage aerosol dispersion, it is better to use a device for suctioning aerosol smoke during surgery, whether in open or closed surgeries (laparoscopy).
Keywords COVID-19 ,Operating room ,Protocols ,Surgery

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