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   Editorial: Heart Rate Beat to Beat Variability of Trauma Patient in Neurogenic Shock State: Time to Introduce New Symptoms  
نویسنده paydar shahram ,karami mohammad yasin ,khalili hosseinali ,dehghankhalili maryam ,sabetian golnar ,ghaffarpasand fariborz
منبع bulletin of emergency and trauma - 2017 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:141 -142
کلیدواژه Heart Rate; Trauma; Patient; Neurogenic Shock State
آدرس shiraz university of medical sciences, trauma research center, shahid rajaee (emtiaz) trauma hospital, Iran, shiraz university of medical sciences, student research committee, department of general surgery, Iran, shiraz university of medical sciences, trauma research center, shahid rajaee (emtiaz) trauma hospital, Iran, shiraz university of medical sciences, student research committee, department of general surgery, Iran, shiraz university of medical sciences, trauma research center, shahid rajaee (emtiaz) trauma hospital, Iran, shiraz university of medical sciences, student research committee, department of neurosurgery, Iran

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