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   optimal emergency demand response program integrated with multi-objective dynamic economic emission dispatch problem  
نویسنده dehnavi ehsan ,abdi ,hamdi ,mohammadi farid
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2016 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:29 -41
چکیده    Nowadays, demand response programs (drps) play an important role in price reduction and reliability improvement. in this paper, an optimal integrated model for the emergency demand response program (edrp) and dynamic economic emission dispatch (deed) problem has been developed. customer’s behavior is modeled based on the price elasticity matrix (pem) by which the level of drp is determined for a given type of customer. valve-point loading effect, prohibited operating zones (pozs), and the other non-linear constraints make the deed problem into a nonconvex and non-smooth multi-objective optimization problem. in the proposed model, the fuel cost and emission are minimized and the optimal incentive is determined simultaneously. the imperialist competitive algorithm (ica) has solved the combined problem. the proposed model is applied on a ten units test system and results indicate the practical benefits of the proposed model. finally, depending on different policies, drps are prioritized by using strategy success indices.
کلیدواژه emergency demand response program ,dynamic economic emission dispatch ,imperialist competitive algorithm ,optimal incentive ,strategy success indices
آدرس razi university, engineering faculty, department of electrical engineering, ایران, razi university, engineering faculty, department of electrical engineering, ایران, razi university, engineering faculty, department of electrical engineering, ایران
پست الکترونیکی ifaridmohammadi@yahoo.com
   برنامه ریزی واحدهای پاک و آلاینده تولید پراکنده در شرایط تصادفی قیمت و عدم قطعیت ‏واحدهای تولید پراکنده  

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