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   clean and polluting dg types planning in stochastic price conditions and dg unit uncertainties  
نویسنده sadeghi m. ,kalantar m.
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2016 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:1 -15
چکیده    This study presents a dynamic way in a dg planning problem instead of the last static or pseudo-dynamic planning point of views. a new way in modeling the dg units’ output power and the load uncertainties based on the probability rules is proposed in this paper. a sensitivity analysis on the stochastic nature of the electricity price and global fuel price is carried out through a proposed model. six types of clean and conventional dg units are included in the planning process. the presented dynamic planning problem is solved considering encouraging and punishment functions. the imperialist competitive algorithm (ica) as a strong evolutionary strategy is employed to solve the dg planning problem. the proposed models and the proposed problem are applied on the 9-bus and 33-bus test distribution systems. the results show a significant improvement in the total revenue of the distribution system in all of the defined scenarios.
کلیدواژه distributed generation ,investment time ,dynamic programming ,uncertainty ,monte carlo simulation ,ica
آدرس iran university of science and technology, center of excellence for power system automation and operation, department of electrical engineering, ایران, iran university of science and technology, center of excellence for power system automation and operation, department of electrical engineering, ایران
پست الکترونیکی ad@gmail.com
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