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   A New Topology for Z-Source Inverter Based on Switched- Inductor and Boost Z-Source Inverter  
نویسنده Babaei E. ,Babayi M. H. ,Shokati Asl E. ,Laali S.
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2015 - دوره : 3 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:167 -184
چکیده    In this paper, a new topology for boost z-source inverterbased on switched-inductor cell is proposed. the operating modes of the proposed inverter are analyzed and also a suitable control method to generate the trigger signals of the inverter is presented. having a common earth between the input source and inverter and capability to generate a higher voltage gain by using lower amounts of the duty cycles are some advantages of the proposed z-source inverter. comparison of the proposed inverter with conventional z-source inverters is presented from different points of the view. finally, the accuracy performance of the proposed inverter is reconfirmed through the simulation results in emtdc/pscad software program.
کلیدواژه Z-source inverter ,Shoot-through ,Switched boost inverter ,Switched-inductor cell.
آدرس university of tabriz, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ایران, university of tabriz, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ایران, university of tabriz, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ایران, university of tabriz, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ایران

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