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   Application of Multi Objective HFAPSO Algorithm for Simultaneous Placement of DG, Capacitor and Protective Device in Radial Distribution Network  
نویسنده Shayeghi H. ,Alilou M.
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2015 - دوره : 3 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:131 -146
چکیده    In this paper, simultaneous placement of distributed generation, capacitor bank and protective devices are utilized to improve the efficiency of the distribution network. the objectives of the problem are reduction of active and reactive power losses, improvement of voltage profile and reliability indices and increasing distribution companies’ profit. the combination of firefly algorithm, particle swarm optimization and analytical hierarchy process is proposed to solve the multi-objective allocation problem. the proposed method is implemented on ieee 69-bus and also an actual 22-bus distribution systems in tehran-iran. test results approve the effectiveness of the proposed method for improved reliability and network performance of the distribution network.
کلیدواژه Analytical hierarchy process ,Capacitor banks ,Distributed generation ,Hybrid firefly algorithm and particle swarm optimization ,Multi-objective optimization ,Protective device.
آدرس university of mohaghegh ardabili, Department of Technical Engineering, ایران, university of mohaghegh ardabili, Department of Technical Engineering, ایران

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