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   Application of Stochastic Programming to Determine Operating Reserves with Considering Wind and Load Uncertainties  
نویسنده Afshar K. ,Shokri Gazafroudi A.
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2013 - دوره : 1 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:96 -109
چکیده    Wind power generation is variable and uncertain. in the power systems with high penetration of wind power, determination of equivalent operating reserve is the main concern of systems operator. in this paper, a model is proposed to determine operating reserves in simultaneous market clearing of energy and reserve by stochastic programming based on scenarios generated via monte carlo simulation (mcs). this model considers the wind power, load and network uncertainties and includes the cost of involuntary load shedding and wind spillage. the proposed methodology is examined on an example and a case study to investigate various effects of wind power generation on the system operating reserves and costs.
کلیدواژه Monte Carlo Simulation ,Operating Reserve ,Reliability ,Stochastic Programming ,Wind Power
آدرس imam khomeini international university, ایران, imam khomeini international university, ایران

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