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   two inputs five-level quasi-z-source inverter  
نویسنده baghbany oskouei a. ,banaei m. r. ,sabahi m.
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2016 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:132 -142
چکیده    This paper combines quasi-z-source into a typical fivelevel inverter, which includes two dc voltage sources, two quasi-z-sources and five switching devices. in this structure, the output voltage amplitude is not limited to dc voltage source and it can be increased by quasi-z-source. besides, due to nature of zsource families, this new structure is reliable and higher efficiency. also, in this inverter, two quasi-z-networks can be controlled independently. this paper also proposes new switching algorithms for proposed fivelevel dual quasi-z-source inverter based on pulse width modulation (pwm) and selective harmonic elimination method (shem) algorithms .the performance of proposed inverter and switching algorithm are validated with simulation results using matlab/simulink software and experimental results based pci1716 data acquisition system.
کلیدواژه two inputs five-level inverter ,quasi-z-source ,pwm ,shem ,shoot-through implementation
آدرس azarbaijan shahid madani university, department of electrical engineering, ایران, azarbaijan shahid madani university, department of electrical engineering, ایران, university of tabriz, faculty of electrical and computer engineering, ایران
پست الکترونیکی sabahi2@tabrizu.ac.ir
   اینورتر شبه منبع امپدانس پنج سطحی دو ورودی  
Authors Baghbany Oskouei A. ,Banaei M. R. ,Sabahi M.

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