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   a novel algorithm for rotor speed estimation of dfigs using machine active power based mras observer  
نویسنده ajabi-farshbaf r. ,azizian m. r. ,yousefizad v.
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2018 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:61 -68
چکیده    This paper presents a new algorithm based on model reference adaptive system (mras) and its stability analysis for sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators (dfigs). the reference and adjustable models of the suggested observer are based on the active power of the machine. a hysteresis block is used in the structure of the adaptation mechanism, and the stability analysis is performed based on sliding mode conditions. simulation and practical results show appropriate operation and speed tracking of the observer with regard to obtained stability conditions.
کلیدواژه active power ,doubly fed induction generator ,mras-based observer ,stability analysis
آدرس sahand university of technology (sut), faculty of electrical engineering, ایران, sahand university of technology (sut), faculty of electrical engineering, ایران, sahand university of technology (sut), faculty of electrical engineering, ایران
   ارائه یک الگوریتم جدید مبتنی بر MRAS برای تخمین سرعت روتور DFIG با استفاده از توان اکتیو ماشین  

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