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   analysis of switched inductor three-level dc/dc converter  
نویسنده salari e. ,banaei m. r. ,ajami a.
منبع journal of operation and automation in power engineering - 2018 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:126 -134
چکیده    A non-isolated dc/dc converter with high transfer gain is proposed in this paper. the presented converter consists of the switched inductor and three-level converters. the dc/dc power converter is three-level boost converter to convert the output voltage of the dc source into two voltage sources. the main advantages of dc/dc converter are using low voltage semiconductors and high gain voltage. the steady-state operation of the suggested converter is analyzed. a prototype is developed and tested to verify the performance of the proposed converter. to sum up, the matlab simulation results and the experimental results have transparently approved high efficiency of proposed converter as well as its feasibility.
کلیدواژه renewable energy sources ,pv-battery system ,non-isolated dc/dc converter ,high gain dc/dc converter.
آدرس azarbaijan shahid madani university, department of electrical engineering, ایران, azarbaijan shahid madani university, department of electrical engineering, ایران, azarbaijan shahid madani university, department of electrical engineering, ایران
   آنالیز مبدل dc/dc سه سطحه با کلیدزنی سلفی  

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