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نویسنده Rosli Ahmad Nabil Md ,Subbiah Rakesh ,Maniam T
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2014 - دوره : 15 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:90 -92
چکیده    This paper aims to report on a case in which re-challenging with clozapine in combination with lithium in a patient who developed neutropenia was carried out. methods: the patient was treated with clozapine for treatmentresistant schizophrenia. after five weeks he showed much improvement but developed neutropenia. withdrawal of clozapine brought on a relapse of psychotic symptoms. subsequently, clozapine was reintroduced along with lithium. the neutrophil count was monitored closely. results: the neutrophil and white blood cell count were noted to return to normal upon re-challenging, and the patient’s clinical condition also improved. conclusion: simultaneous administration of lithium and clozapine to patients experiencing neutropenia on clozapine is a possible strategy. however, very close monitoring of the white count is needed.
کلیدواژه Clozapine ,Clozapine Re-challenge ,Lithium ,Neutropenia
آدرس UKM Medical Centre, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia, UKM Medical Centre, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia, UKM Medical Centre, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia

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