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   The mortality and outcome of delirium, dementia and other organic disorders: a two-year study  
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2007 - دوره : 8 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:3 -8
چکیده    This is a cross-sectional, two-year follow up study. the authors determined the varied presentations of delirium, dementia and other organic disorders to assess their mortality and outcome. they described the diagnosis of patients suffering from the psychiatric effects of those organic states and compared their symptom resolution and mortality between those with the acute and chronic varieties during their index hospitalization and again, 24 months later. although mortality rates did not differ, patients with the acute syndrome had significantly better outcomes in terms of symptom resolution as compared to those with the chronic syndrome (p=0.001). patients with symptom resolution upon discharge did not show statistically significant lower mortality rates
کلیدواژه delirium ,dementia ,symptom resolution ,mortality ,outcome
آدرس university of malaya, Department of Psychological Medicine, Malaysia, university of malaya, Department of Psychological Medicine, Malaysia, university of malaya, Department of Psychological Medicine, Malaysia

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