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نویسنده Hendricks Margaret Mary ,Mahendran Rathi
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2009 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:181 -185
چکیده    Objective: to assess patient satisfaction with psychiatric case management service provided at a tertiary psychiatric hospital in singapore. method: a prospective study, using the client satisfaction questionnaire (csq), on 100 patients who had received case management during their stay in the hospital. results: the primary findings of the study revealed that 87% of the patients rated the service as good to excellent with the same percentage responding that overall, in the general sense, they were satisfied with the service received from the case managers. also, 95% would recommend the programme to a friend who required similar help although only 74% responded that most or almost all of their needs were met. conclusion: this study enabled case managers to understand their patients’ needs and satisfaction with the service. they have used this information to improve and enhance their service delivery
کلیدواژه Patient Satisfaction ,Psychiatric Case Management ,Singapore
آدرس Bangkok Green Medical Park, Woodbridge Hospital, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore, Bangkok Green Medical Park, Woodbridge Hospital, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore

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