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نویسنده Abu Bakar Shamshunnisah ,Ismail Hasanah Che
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2009 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:100 -114
چکیده    Objective: self-esteem is an important component of psychologicalhealth. in malaysia, rosenberg’s self-esteem scale remained the singlemost popular utilized scale for studying global self-esteem. this studyaims to design a language, culture and illness specific self-esteem questionnaire. methods: the study consisted of 2 phases. the first phase was to generate items for the new self-esteem questionnaire (sses) in bahasa malaysia. literature review on the concept of self- esteem and its’ content was conducted. this was followed by expert opinion from professional care-givers. the items were qualitatively validated by healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia from the same locality, culture and language. the second phase consists of quantitative validation of the items. items in the new scale were analyzed based on the responses from 165 stable schizophrenia outpatients. the validated malay version of rosenberg self-esteem scale (rses) was used concurrently as a comparison. results: the sses displayed good internal consistency for its two domains (cronbach’s alpha=0.88, 0.81) and test-retest reliability (icc), ranged from 0.44 to 0.87. its construct validity was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. the concurrent validity of sses and rses using pearson correlation was 0.77. the cronbach’s alpha for the validated malay version of rses is 0.67. conclusion: this study presents a new self-esteem questionnaire (sses) which has high concurrent validity with the standard rses and confirms the reliability and validity of sses in malay patients with schizophrenia
کلیدواژه Shamshunnisah Self-Esteem Scale (SSES) ,Rosenberg self- steem scale (RSES) ,Brief Psychiatric Rating scale (BPRS) ,validation
آدرس Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia

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