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نویسنده Zakaria Norzila ,Baharudin Azlin ,Razali Rosdinom
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2009 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:89 -99
چکیده    Objective: to study the effect of depressive disorders, severity of depression and, sociodemographic factors on drug compliance among hypertensive patients at primary care clinics. methods: a total of 201 hypertensive patients on treatment for at least 3 months who attended the hukm primary care clinic and salak polyclinic were selected for this study. patients were screened for depressive disorders using the hospital anxiety depression scale (hads) and those who scored 8 and more were further interviewed to establish a diagnosis using the mini international neuropsychiatric interview (mini). patients who were diagnosed to have depressive disorders were further rated for the severity of the illness by using hamilton rating scale for depression (hamd). drug compliance was assessed during a 2 month follow up using the pill counting method (ratio 0.8 – 1.2 considered as compliant). results: the prevalence of non-compliance among hypertensive patients was 38.3%. there was no association between the diagnosis of depressive disorders and drug compliance. among the 12 patients who had depressive disorders, severity of depression as rated by hamd, showed significant association with drug compliance (mann-whitney test z = -2.083, p<0.05).conclusion: the results suggested that severity of depression has significant association with poor compliance to medical treatment. it is therefore very important to identify and treat depression to avoid poor drug compliance and further complications related to hypertension
کلیدواژه depression ,compliance ,hypertensive patients
آدرس Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Health Campus, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia

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